Performance of equipment

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Joel Urice vividly remembers the belongings of the crews who did not make it back from Hamburg [Annotator’s Note:...
Norman Bussel had to bail out of his B-17 over Berlin, Germany on 29 April 1944. He had been struck by shrapnel in the...
When they heard news of the surrender, Ralph Griffith and his fellow soldiers destroyed their rifles and proceeded to...
First, Fiske Hanley said, he prayed [Annotator's Note: after bailing out of his battle damaged Boeing B-29...
The company [Annotator's Note: Company E, 2nd Battalion, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division]...
Harold Zeringer joined the 466 [Annotator's Note: USS PC-466] which was a warship of the first magnitude. Zeringer had...
Jack Davis and his outfit [Annotator's Note: Company D, 1st Battalion, 10th Infantry Regiment, 5th Infantry Division]...
Frankfurt [Annotator's Note: Frankfurt, Germany] was a big and important city that was guarded by thousands of 88s [...
A participant in the invasion of Tacloban, Leyte, Leo Porteau contends the armed forces were preparing to "hit Tokyo...
Seymour Reitman entered a mountainous area with a panzer [Annotator's Note: German term for tank or armored] division...
In February 1945, Floyd Fogg was among the Marines of the 23rd Marines, 4th Division [Annotator's Note: 23rd Marine...
In the spring of 1945, John Coxe's 63rd Infantry Division went on the offensive, and his superior, Brigadier General...
Henry Langrehr served under two commanders, Vandervoort [Annotator's Note: US Army Colonel Benjamin Hayes "Vandy"...
James Wilson's platoon leader [Annotator's Note: in Company G, 2nd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division...
Edward Bale did not see any particular danger to his tanks in the second and third day of combat on Tarawa except for...
Jack Albert Del Monte had never been in a tank before being given two days of training on how to drive one. He was then...
When Robert Spint first went in the TDs [Annotator's Note: tank destroyers; Spint was a member of the 651st Tank...
After the Louisiana Maneuvers [Annotator's Note: series of Army exercises held in Louisiana in 1941], Delbert Wombacher...
Karl Friedrich "Charley” König [Annotator's Note: or Koenig] is small and had no difficulty in moving around in the...
Oscar H. Savoie was sent overseas to Europe during World War 2. He was placed in his unit [Annotator’s Note: the 70th...
Leonard Jindra [Annotator's Note: an infantryman in the Company F, 2nd Battalion, 115th Infantry Regiment, 29th...
Lewis E. Belcher [Annotator's Note: wounded in action in Germany as a tank commander in Company B, 11th Tank Battalion...
The weather in North Africa was good for Johnny Ngai but there were a lot of bugs. Casablanca [Annotator's Note:...
The Germans had several towers with radars on them that Irvin C. Klimas and his ship [Annotator's Note: the USS...
Eduardo Alberto Peniche Carvajal has nothing against John Wayne [Annotator's Note: born Marion Robert Morrison, an...
When the battle initially started, Frank Pomroy was positioned with a water-cooled machine gun [Annotator's note: .30...
Dale Smith was assigned to the USS Proteus (AS-19), a submarine repair and supply ship. It was big and had about 800...
One time that scared William Beaman happened when the USS Flasher (SS-249) was firing electric torpedoes. They were...
Frank Finklang quickly learned from the "old timers" to hold onto K-rations [Annotator's Note: individual daily combat...
Austin H. Kiplinger was aboard the USS Altamaha [Annotator's Note: USS Altamaha (CVE-18) and did anti-submarine...
[Annotator's Note: Raymond Cauble flew as a test pilot for the 312th Depot Repair Squadron, 41st Air Depot Group, 15th...
[Annotator's Note: The interview begins with Jones Quincy Adams Jr. and the interviewer in conversation.] Adams was...
Barney Hajiro fought in Northern Italy. Hajiro was the messenger for Company M [Annotator's Note: Company M, 3rd...
[Annotator's Note: Vernon Tweedt was at the Battle of Monte Cassino, Italy and was present when the Allies bombed the...
When the 1st Calvary Division was preparing for the landing on Manus, John Smith was in the reconnaissance patrol sent...
When Donald Hoff [Annotator's Note: a rear seat gunner and radio operator on Douglas SBD Dauntless dive bombers in...
