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Tanks debarking from an LST on Anzio beachhead in April 1944
256.Photograph. '17 April 44. MM-5-44-4333. Fifth Army, Anzio Area, Italy. 1st Armored Division, 13th Armored Regiment...
Servicemen looking to shore, Salerno, 1943
Photograph. Americans look at a distant shore from the open ramp of an LST. Caption reads "Sept / 43. Taken from inside...
Military vehicles on LST
Photograph. The tops of American vehicles parked on the deck of a ship with mountains in the distance. Captions reads...
Italian coast from inside LST
Photograph. A shot of the Italian coast taken from the inside of an opened LST. Caption reads: "Sept / 43. Our first...
Loading equipment on LSTs at dock, Sicily, 1943
Photograph. LSTs loading equipment at a dock. Caption reads "Sept / 43 Loading on L.S.T at Sicily for Italy." Sicily....
LSTs being loaded with equipment in an Italian harbor, 1944
Photograph. Several LSTs (Landing Ship, Tank) being loaded with equipment in an Italian harbor; barrage balloons are...
US landing craft narrowly avoiding German fire, Anzio, 1944
Photograph. Tall column of water from the explosion of a German shell erupting near an American landing craft. Official...
US LSTs being loaded with equipment in an Italian harbor, 1944
Photograph. American LSTs (Landing Ship, Tank) being loaded with equipment in an Italian harbor; barrage balloons are...
CCKW cargo trucks debarking from LSTs onto Nisida, 1944
Photograph. Equipment-filled 2-½ ton CCKW cargo trucks debarking from LSTs (Landing Ship, Tank) onto a pier. Official...
Heavy equipment being unloaded onto a beach, Paestum, 1943
Photograph. Heavy equipment and vehicles being unloaded from landing craft onto a beach; USS LST-359 is in the...
US LSTs preparing for the invasion of the Southern France, Italy, 1944
Photograph. Five docked American LSTs [Landing Craft, Tank] being loaded with supplies. Official caption on front: "LST...
5th Army M4 Sherman tanks debarking from USS LST-77, Anzio, 1944
Photograph. M4 Sherman tanks from the 5th Army debarking from USS LST-77 onto the shore of a Tyrrhenian Sea coastal...
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