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Troops walk along a road in Monschau, Germany on 3 February 1945
Troops walk along a road. Official caption: "ETO HQ 45 11631 3 Feb. Credit...US Army Signal Corps. Photog...T/5 Robert...
Road next to a river
Photograph. Road at an incline running parallel to a river; a man is walking his bike up the side. Location unknown. No...
2nd Armored Division convoy near Münster, Germany, 1945
Photograph, aerial. 2nd Armored Division convoy lining a road surrounded by farming fields. Official caption on front...
Military trucks on the roadway, Germany, 1945
Photograph. View from the back of a truck looking back at a truck convoy riding down the road. Mountains in the...
The Brandenburg Gate and the Reichstag situated at the end of Unter den Linden, in postwar Berlin, Germany.
The Brandenburg Gate and the Reichstag situated at the end of Unter den Linden, in postwar Berlin, Germany.
The Brandenburg Gate and the Reichstag situated at the end of Unter den Linden, in postwar Berlin, Germany.
The Brandenburg Gate and the Reichstag situated at the end of Unter den Linden, in postwar Berlin, Germany.
The Brandenburg Gate and the Reichstag situated at the end of Unter den Linden, in postwar Berlin, Germany.
The Brandenburg Gate and the Reichstag situated at the end of Unter den Linden, in postwar Berlin, Germany.
The Brandenburg Gate and the Reichstag situated at the end of Unter den Linden, in postwar Berlin, Germany.
The Brandenburg Gate and the Reichstag situated at the end of Unter den Linden, in postwar Berlin, Germany.
U.S. soldier in postwar Germany.
U.S. soldier in postwar Germany.
A U.S. soldier carries a box of items in postwar Germany.
A U.S. soldier carrying a box of items in postwar Germany.
Road sign for entrance to American district in postwar Berlin, Germany in the winter of 1945/46
Road sign announcing entrance to American district of postwar Germany. "Entrance to Berlin, American Zone." Berlin,...
Road leading up to Olympiastadion (Olympic Stadium) in Berlin, Germany in the winter of 1945/46
Road leading up to Olympiastadion at Reichssportfeld, completed in 1936. "Olympic Stadium." Berlin, Germany. Postwar,...
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