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Honor guard on parade in Fort Benning, Georgia on 16 June 1944
1249. '6-16-44. Sharetts. Men of 4th Headquarters special troops, 2nd Army pass reviewing officers who can be seen in...
Review of troops in Fort Benning, Georgia on 16 June 1944
1250. '6-16-44. Sharetts. Battalions have been formed and officers present arms during a review and inspection of 4th...
Special troops pass in review and inspection in Fort Benning, Georgia on 16 June 1944
1252. '6-16-44. Sharetts. Battalions formed from special troops of 4th Headquarters, 2nd Army, march on 4th Inf. drill...
Special troops in review parade in Fort Benning, Georgia on 16 June 1944
1253. '6-16-44. Sharetts. Men of 4th Headquarters special troops, 2nd Army just before passing reviewing officers at...
Special troops in review parade in Fort Benning, Georgia on 16 June 1944
1254. '6-16-44. Sharetts. Battalion of special troops of 4th Hq., 2nd Army at ready line just before review and...
Battalion of special troops marching to pass in review at ceremony in Fort Benning, Georgia on 16 June 1944
1257. '6-16-44. Sharetts. Battalion of special troops, 4th Hq., 2nd Army marching to pass in review at review and...
A member of a quartermaster truck guides a truck to a field grease pit at Fort Benning, Georgia on 6 July 1944
1360. '6 July 44. Sharetts. A [African-American] member of 3535 Qm. Truck Co., 2nd Army, guides a 2 ton truck to a...
Signal photo company being inspected in Fort Benning, Georgia on 16 June 1944
1251. '6-16-44. Sharetts. 168th Sig. Photo Co. being inspected by Major Vernon, commanding officer of the 335th Ord. Bn...
Officer inspects signal photo company at Fort Benning, Georgia on 16 June 1944
1255. '6-16-44. Sharetts. Major Vernon, commanding officer of the 335th Ord. Bn. inspecting men of the 168th Sig. Photo...
Commanding officer inspects men of a signal photo compnay in Fort Benning, Georgia on 16 June 1944
1256. '6-16-44. Sharetts. Major Vernon, commanding officer of the 335th Ord. Bn. inspects men of 168th Sig. Photo Co....
Officer marches off a signal photo company after a ceremony in Fort Benning, Georgia on 16 June 1944
1258. '6-16-44. Sharetts. 168th Sig. Photo Co. led by Lt. Tanner marches off 4th Inf. drill field, Ft. Benning, Georgia...
Commanding officer inspecting signal photo company in Fort Benning, Georgia on 16 June 1944
1259. '6-16-44. Sharetts. Lt. Col. Tabscott, commanding officer of 4th Hq. special troops, 2nd Army inspecting troops...
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