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Farmers tilling soil, Czechoslovakia, 1945
Photograph. Male and female civilians tilling a dirt field; a lamb is lying in the background. Personal caption on...
Man wearing clogs, Czechoslovakia, 1945
Photograph. Male farmer wearing clogs. Personal caption: "Wallen Czech." Volary, Czechoslovakia [modern-day Volary,...
Serviceman in a military vehicle, Czechoslovakia, 1945
Photograph. Serviceman sitting behind the wheel of a parked military vehicle; Residential buildings are in the...
Lt. Collins standing in a yard
Photograph. Lieutenant Collins standing in a yard; Several other servicemen are walking in the background next to a...
Sichler, George German Weapons
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer asks George Sichler about different German weapons used against him.] Every night...
Waldeck, Frank Prewar Life and Training
Frank J. Waldeck was born in May 1922 in Cleveland, Ohio. He attended high school there before studying accounting and...
Goldsborough, William Entrance Into Service and Deployment
When William Goldsborough turned 18 in January 1944, he registered for the draft, and was allowed to finish out his...
Wilkes, R. "Bud" Combat Reflections
After finishing ASTP [Annotator's Note: Army Special Training Program], R.M. Wilkes was not sent back to the engineers...
Clift, Gilbert Prisoner of War in Germany
After becoming a POW [Annotator's Note: prisoner of war], Gilbert Clift was taken back to the German positions where he...
Nesossis, Richard War's End and Reflections
Richard Lamey Nesossis was at home on leave [Annotator's Note: an authorized absence for a short period of time] in...
Woodall, Wendall B-29 Specs and the End of the War
The name of Wendall Woodall's B-29 [Annotator's Note: Boeing B-29 Superfortress very heavy bomber] was City of...
Waddill, Norris Battle of the Bulge
During the Battle of the Bulge, Norris Waddill was serving as a messenger. He came upon a sergeant he had met before...
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