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Aupied, Mildred Delta Shipyard Production
Mildred Aupied worked on three Liberty ships at Delta [Annotator’s Note: she was a welder at the Delta Shipbuilding...
Chandler, Howard Deportation
On 27 October 1942, Howard Chandler was on his way to work when he observed more soldiers in town than usual. [...
Rosenberg, Justus Detention Camp in France
[Annotator’s Note: There is a buzzing in the background throughout this clip. The interviewee is already speaking when...
Maduell, Audrey Dinners for Servicemen
Leather was needed for the servicemen's shoes. Audrey Maduell had to have ballet shoes and others. She had to use extra...
Higgins, Francis "Jack Higgins" Disabled and Rehab
Francis Higgins had a stroke. Prior to that, he fell and broke his hip in three places. The corrections were made by...
Gruen, Dieter Discovering What they Were Secretly Working On
At Oak Ridge [Annotator's Note: Oak Ridge, Tennessee], there were three shifts running all the time. Dieter Gruen...
Gruen, Dieter Discovery of Nuclear Fission
[Annotator's Note: Dieter Gruen worked as a scientist in the chemistry research division of the Manhattan Project at...
Minehira, Helene Displaced Person in Hawaii
Helene Minehira [Annotator's Note: a person of Japanese descent living in Hawaii] and her family were forces off their...
Baranek, Martin Disposition of the Ghetto
One day in October 1942, when Martin Baranek was 12 years old and the SS [Annotator's Note: Schutzstaffel; German...
Kearney, George Doing His Part
[Annotator's Note: George Kearney grew up in New Orleans, Louisiana and was an employee of Higgins Industries from 1937...
Liparoto, Mildred "Jean" Doing What She Had To
Mildred "Jean" Liparoto just did what she had to do [Annotator's Note: to get by with nephews, brothers, and a husband...
Morse, Ralph Doolittle Raid
Ralph Morse wanted to be at Guadalcanal [Annotator's Note: Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands] for Christmas in 1942. He...
Tarnow, Mary Douglas Aircraft Welder
[Annotator's Note: A woman off camera interjects throughout this segment.] Mary Julia Tarnow never felt any friction...
Constant, Nelson Draft Deferred
Nelson Constant remembers Pearl Harbor [Annotator's Note: the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on 7 December...
Yamamoto, Albert Drafted for Korea and Reflections on the War
Albert Yamamoto's [Annotator's Note: an American citizen who was in Japan during the war] most memorable experience of...
Francis, Norman Drafted into the Army
Dr. Norman Francis was drafted into the Army after graduating from law school [Annotator's Note: in 1956]. He graduated...
Clausen, Elfriede Dresden and Poverty
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer begins this clip by asking Elfriede Clausen about the bombing of Dresden, Germany.]...
Doroff, Lorraine Driver for the War Department
Lorraine Doroff drove for the War Department [Annotator's Note: as a member of the Women's Army Corps; women's branch...
Johnston, Lawrence Early Life
Lawrence Johnston was born in February 1918 to parents who were Christian missionaries. He was born in China and spent...
Tinker, June Early Life
June Tinker was born in Coal City, West Virginia in July 1925. She grew up there until she was six years old then moved...
Manasse, Fred Early Life
Fred Manasse was born in July 1935 in Frankfurt, Germany, one of two sons of practicing Orthodox Jewish parents. His...
Benjamin, Adelaide Early Life
Adelaide Benjamin was born in New Orleans, Louisiana in 1932. She had a comfortable life and enjoyed outdoor activities...
Baranek, Martin Early Life
Martin Baranek was born in August 1930 in Wierzbnik, Poland, the older of the two sons of his Jewish family. He...
Hope, Linda Early Life
Linda Hope was born in 1939 [Annotator’s Note: She is the daughter of Bob and Dolores Hope]. She never realized the...
Grant, Lydia "Diane" Early Life
Life in Hawaii was wonderful for Lydia Grant before the war. The island was at its pristine best at that time. Grant...
Goodkin, Vera Early Life
Vera Goodkin [Annotator's Note: née Herman] was born in a small town of Uzhgorod, Czechoslovakia [Annotator's Note: now...
Ehlers, Dorothy Early Life
Dorothy Decker Ehlers was born in December 1931 in Long Beach, California and grew up there during the depression years...
Peardon, Eveline Early Life
Eveline Peardon was born in Bayeux, Normandy, France on 5 February 1941. Her father was an officer in the French Navy...
Hollis, Frederick Early Life
Fredrick Hollis was born in January 1929 in Detroit, Michigan. The Great Depression started in October 1929 and his...
Chandler, Howard Early Life
Howard Chandler was born a Jew in Wierzbnik, Poland [Annotator's Note: now known as Starachowice, Poland] in December...
Keulegan, Emma Early Life
[Annotator's Note: The interview begins with Emma Keulegan already in conversation with the interviewer who then asks...
Mineta, Norman Early Life
Norman Mineta was born in 1931 in San Jose, California. He had a great childhood in the agricultural community. His...
Beard, Norma "Norma Ford" Early Life
Norma Jean Ford Beard was born in Latrobe, Pennsylvania in June 1944. Her father was a B-24 pilot [Annotator's Note:...
Damberg, Wanda Early LIfe
Wanda Damberg was born of a Dutch father who served as a diplomat in the Philippines starting in 1916. He met Damberg’s...
Wehner, Elizabeth Early Life
Elizabeth Bedson Wehner was born in Nebraska and then moved to South Dakota and then Iowa. When she was 12 years old,...
David, Chester Early Life
Chester David was born in March 1924 in Lacassine, Louisiana. He was the youngest of one brother and two sisters and...
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