American soldiers attacking Japanese pillbox, Okinawa Island, Japan, 1945

Photograph. American soldiers stand by with their rifles as another soldier throws a grenade into Japanese pillbox; the bodies of dead Japanese soldiers are visible. Official Caption: "Rome. 6/5/45--Americans wipe out Japanese pillbox--Soldiers of the U.S. Tenth Army stand guard with their rifles as one of their comrades (left) prepares to toss another hand grenade into the debris of an Okinawa tomb used by the Japanese as a pillbox during operations on the main Ryukyu (Loochoo) Island. Dead Japanese lie in front of the tomb, which is constructed of thick concrete. Units of the Tenth Army landing on Okinawa on March 31, 1945, have broken the enemy's southern defense line extending from Haha through Shuri to Yonabaru, and-- by June 4--had opened vast Nakagusuku Bay, off the eastern coast, to American shipping. Meanwhile U.S. Third Fleet carrier aircraft, newly assigned to the Ryukyus campaign, smashed sharply at Kyushu Airfields.--FA PhotoServiced by Rome. OWI (A List Out). Approved by appropriate military authority. 6581." Ryukyu (Loochoo) Island, Okinawa, Japan. 5 June 1945