British Air Marshal Sir Guy Garrod watches Allied desert Air Force review in Udine, Italy, May 1945
Photograph. British Air Marshal Sir Guy Garrod salutes during a review of Allied Desert Air Force squadrons above Campoformido Airfield. Official Caption: "Rome, 5/29/45--RAF Air marshal watches Allied Desert Air Force review--Air Marshal Sir Guy Garrod, Commander in Chief of the RAF in the Mediterranean and Middle East (center), salutes during a review of Allied Desert Air Force squadrons above Campoformido Airfield, Udine, northern Italy, on May 28, 1945. On the left is Air Vice Marshal R.M. Foster of the Desert Air Force and on the right is Brig. Gen. Thomas D'Arcy of USAAF.--RAF photo--serviced by Rome OWI full. Approved by appropriate military authority. 6452."Udine, Italy. 29 May 1945