Italians raise a flag in the plaza of the town Roccagorga, Italy, 1944

Photograph. Italians raise a flag in the plaza. Official caption on front: "MM-5-44-5974." Official caption on reverse: ""Signal Corps photo 28 May 1944 (Italy) Roccagorga! Immediately after advance patrols of the Fifth Army entered Roccagorga, pushing the Germans to the edge of town, this group of Italians rushed out to hang the 'Italian flag' from a light stanchion in the town square. An instant later, a barrage from hill in background hit the square, wounding a number of soldiers and civilians, including a Signal Corps photographer shooting motion pictures of scene as barrage was in progress. Sig. Corps radio telephoto from Italy. #." Roccagorga, Italy. 28 May 1944