Soldiers under the command of Lt. Gen. Eichelberger wade ashore on Luzon from LCI-447 to gain the beach without a struggle on 29 January 1945

384. Photograph. 'File Number 259012 February 14, 1945 Navy lands 8th Army on west coast of Luzon In a brilliant move designed to cut off Bataan Peninsula and capture the naval base at Olangapo, Navy ships landed troops of the U.S. 8th Army at San Narcisco and San Antonio on the west coast of Luzon on January 29, 1945. Carrying flame throwers or rifles, soldiers under the command of Lt. Gen. Robert L. Eichelberger wade ashore from LCI-447 to gain the beach without a struggle only 60 airline miles from Manila.' 14 February 1945