U.S. Army engineers clear streets in Inden, Germany on 10 December 1944

U.S. Army engineers clear streets. Note that units have been stricken in the caption. Official caption: "ETO HQ 44 29012 10 Dec. Credit...U.S. Army Signal Corps. Photog...Cpl. P.J. Petrony 165. U.S. Army engineers clear streets in Inden, Germany, under enemy shellfire. Co. B., 329th Engr. Bn., 104th Inf. Div. FUSA. Inden, Germany. Confidential. Radio." Passed for publication as censored by the SHAEF Field Press Censor on 12 December 1944. Passed for publication without censorship by the Army Expeditionary Forces Field Press Censor on 16 April 1945.