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Mediterranean Theater of Operations (MTO) (1)
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Coast Guard heavy machinery landing on a beach, Sicily, 1943
Photograph. LCVPs [landing craft, vehicle, personal] from USS Samuel Chase and the USS Monrovia, an amphibious truck,...
US landing craft unloading equipment onto a beach at Scoglitti, Sicily, 1943
Photograph. American landing craft, including LCT-452, unloading equipment onto a beach. Official caption on front: "...
D-Day at Gela, Sicily, 1943
Photograph. United States soldiers gathering on a beach; USS LCI(G)-220 and other landing craft are in the background....
US Army forces advancing toward German forces, Sicily, 1943
Photograph. United States Army tanks and troops advancing towards German forces on a beach. Official caption on front...
US jeeps debarking from a landing craft, Licata, 1943
Photograph. United States soldiers in a jeep debarking from LCT-153 onto a beach; other military vehicles are waiting...
Burning American LST off the coast of Gela, Sicily, 1943
Photograph. Burning American LST [Landing Ship, Tank] near a shoreline. Official caption on front: "LST takes direct...
US Army soldiers boarding LCIs bound for the Italian coast, Sicily, 1943
Photograph. United States Army soldiers boarding LCIs [Landing Craft, Infantry] docked at a pier. Official caption on...
Italian prisoners being loaded onto a US landing craft off the coast of Gela, Sicily, 1943
Photograph. Italian prisoners of war wading through water to board the USS LCI(L)-221. Official caption on front: "...
US servicemen landing on Sicily, Italy, 1943
Photograph. United States servicemen unloading a jeep from a landing craft. Official caption on front: "Landing barges...