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Craters created by bombardment test in Fort Benning, Georgia on 28 June 1944
1287. '28 June 1944. Barry. Craters 81mm shell and fuse, M53 showing effects on sandy soil. Test conducted by Major...
Craters created by bombardment test in Fort Benning, Georgia on 28 June 1944
1288. '28 June 1944. Barry. Craters 81mm shell and fuse, M53 showing effects on sandy soil. Test conducted by Major...
Craters created by bombardment test in Fort Benning, Georgia on 28 June 1944
1289. '28 June 1944. Barry. Craters 81mm shell and fuse, M53 showing effects on sandy soil. Test conducted by Major...
Craters created by bombardment test in Fort Benning, Georgia on 28 June 1944
Craters created by bombardment test in Fort Benning, Georgia. "28 June 1944. Barry. Crater in swampy land caused by...
Craters created by bombardment test in Fort Benning, Georgia on 28 June 1944
1276. '28 June 1944. Barry. Craters-81mm shell and fust, M-53 showing effects on sandy soil. Test conducted by Major...
Craters created by bombardment test in Fort Benning, Georgia on 28 June 1944
1278. '28 June 1944. Barry. Duo_H. E. Heavy swamp land. Test fired Major Wade TIS Test Board. 168-L-44-1366.' Army...
Craters created by bombardment test in Fort Benning, Georgia on 28 June 1944
1275. '28 June 1944. Barry. Craters-81mm shell and fust, M-53 showing effects on sandy soil. Test conducted by Major...
Craters created by bombardment test in Fort Benning, Georgia on 28 June 1944
1277. '28 June 1944. Barry. 600 M M Explosion in sand loam Test fire Maj. Wade Tis test board. 168-L-44-1365.' Army...
Craters created by bombardment test in Fort Benning, Georgia on 28 June 1944
1280. '28 June 1944. Barry. Crater in swampy land caused by mortar shell. Test fired by Maj. Wade--TIS Test Board. 168-...
Craters created by bombardment test in Fort Benning, Georgia on 28 June 1944
1281. '28 June 1944. Barry. Craters H. E. Heavy 80mm Test fire conducted by Major Wade TIS test board. 168-L-44-1369.'...
Craters created by bombardment test in Fort Benning, Georgia on 28 June 1944
1283. '28 June 1944. Barry. 60 M M Maj. Wade Test firing for effect of M50 fuse on M56 shell Check test Sand Loam...
Test firing in Fort Benning, Georiga on 28 June 1944
1284. '28 June 1944. Barry. 60 M M burst 400 yards Test fire by Maj. Wade Tis Test Board 168-L-44-1372.' Army Signal...