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Paratrooper training at Fort Benning, Georgia on 25 July 1944
1597. '25 July 44. Ecklund. Stg. Robert Melzer, rigging division, is instructing members of Hdq, Btry. 676th Glider F.A...
Paratrooper training at Fort Benning, Georgia on 25 July 1944
1598. '25 July 44. Ecklund. Packing 'chute in hanger C at Lawson Field, Ft. Benning, Ga. are men of the 676th Glider F....
Paratrooper training at Fort Benning, Georgia on 25 July 1944
1599. '25 July 44. Ecklund. This room in hanger C at Lawson Field, Ft. Benning, Ga. is where men of the 676th Glider F....
Sign showing radio nets in a parachute infantry regiment, likely at Fort Benning, Georgia in 1944
1566. '168-L-44-2119.' Sign showing radio nets in a parachute infantry regiment. Army Signal Corps photograph
Hierarchal organizational chart of airborne division, likely at Fort Benning Georgia in 1944
1567. '168-L-44-2120.' Hierarchal organizational chart of airborne division. Army Signal Corps photograph Likely at...
Chart of Wire Nets in a Parachute Infantry Regiment, likely at Fort Benning Georgia in 1944
1570. '168-L-44-2123.' Chart of Wire Nets in a Parachute Infantry Regiment. Army Signal Corps photograph Likely at...
Hierarchal organizational chart of Infantry parachute regiment, likely at Fort Benning, Georgia in 1944
1571. '168-L-44-2124.' Hierarchal organizational chart of Infantry parachute regiment. Army Signal Corps photograph
Paratrooper with full equipment at Fort Benning, Georgia on 24 July 1944
1574. '24 July 44. Milgrom. Sgt. J. Found of Academic Co. 1st Ptr., TPS, showing position of EE-8 Field Telephone on...
Showing positions of SCR 536 Field Radio on paratrooper with full equipment for jumping at Fort Benning, Georgia on 24 July 1944
1575. '24 July 44. Milgrom. Left view of Sgt. J. Found of Academic Company, 1st PTR, TPS, showing positions of SCR 536...
Students returning from jump field signing parachute log at Fort Benning, Georgia on 18 July 1944
1539. "18 July 44. Austin. Students returning from jump field signing parachute log at Fort Benning, Ga., recording...
Parachute packing class at Fort Benning, Georgia on 18 July 1944
1540. '18 July 44. Austin. Parachute packing class at hanger 'C' of the Parachute School, Fort Benning, Georgia. 168-L-...
Army private and WAC at Fort Benning, Georgia on 23 July 1944
1547. '23 July 44. Mark. L to R; Pvt Rad Hall of the Public Relations office at the Infantry School and Pfc Marie...
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