European Theater of Operations (ETO)

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Frank Mancuso adopted a 20 month old girl from Ludwigsburg with his wife while in Germany. When his father in law...
Itka Zygmuntowicz was in Auschwitz and had to work outside. She got lucky and started working in a place where the...
The first time Robert Spint saw a work camp [Annotator's Note: while serving with the 92nd Cavalry Reconnaissance...
Joseph Motil landed on Utah Beach and one of the German tanks was already coming to meet them. Motil went back in 1964...
When Erna Deiglmayr worked at the Belgian State Employment Office, an SS [Annotator's Note: Schutzstaffel; German...
Richard O. "Otto" Bertz wanted to fly but found out he could not so he decided to go to work. He decided to do drafting...
[Annotator's Note: An interviewer asks Thomas J. Blakey if he is familiar with US Army Lieutenant General Lewis Hyde...
Going east to Auschwitz, Treblinka, Sobibor, Maidanek, or Belzec, Alexander White said, meant going to the gas chambers...
[Annotator’s Note: There is a buzzing in the background throughout this clip.] Justus Rosenberg [Annotator’s Note:...
Henry Langrehr was working in the mine the first day and he was sent work with an old Czech [Annotator's Note:...
Barbara Heming got a job in Hamburg as a bilingual secretary. She had claimed that she was proficient in English and...
Robert J. Hutchings was assigned as a stenographer under the command of General Eisenhower [Annotator's Note: General...
Chester David spent time after the war working as a truck driver in occupied Germany. He hauled firewood into Berlin [...
Philemon Andrews Saint Amant [Annotator's Note: a member of the OSS, Office of Strategic Services; pre-runner to today'...
Isadore Bronstein started at the lowest government grade when he went to work [Annotator's Note: in Washington, D.C.]....
Alois Kopp was a pharmacist's mate aboard the USS Houston (CA-30) prior to its sinking. He was captured by the Japanese...
After serving as MP [Annotator's Note: Military Police in the Intelligence and Reconnaissance platoon, 116th Infantry...
[Annotator's Note: Robert Guitard was assigned to the Prisoner of War Enclosure 339, Prisoner of War Information Bureau...
Holly Reynolds remembers a lot of Army and Navy troops coming in. She also remembers Merchant Mariners there because...
Gale Ammerman was wearing a regular combat jacket and trousers, carried a .45 caliber pistol [Annotator's Note: .45...
Florence MacCallum [Annotator’s Note: a citizen of England working for the U.S. Army Joint Chiefs of Staff in London,...
Monty Joe Boitnott would like to be thought of as being in the largest and bloodiest war and they won. However,...
Robert L. Williams did not know the men of Easy Company [Annotator's Note: Company E, 2nd Battalion, 506th Parachute...
The worst ride Jack Sinise had was when he came back [Annotator's Note: from the war in Europe]. He was sent to a...
George Grugett was on a mission to Trento [Annotator's Note: Trento, Italy]. They were going into the Brenner Pass [...
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer asks Edward Zarger what his worst battle was.] The day he was wounded in the leg, 6...
On the morning of D plus 4 [Annotator's Note: 10 June 1944], the 90th Infantry Division moved into the area where...
Maurice Hackler recalled having been sent to Czechoslovakia, but they could only do visual bombing in that country....
Harold Beal remembers the paratroopers could not do much for them on the beach, but by the end of the day, they were up...
After the Battle of the Bulge they went into combat in Germany where John Caponigro was wounded again. After being...
When Richard Scheerer was hit he had shell fragments in the heart sack and his left lung. They were in the hedgerows at...
During his service in Europe, Russell Schuman was assigned to Company B, 48th Armored Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored...
Harper Harvey Coleman got a swollen arm from a tree burst and was sent back to England [Annotator's Note: 17 November...
[Annotator's Note: James Albert Kitts took part in the Battle of the Bulge or German Ardennes Counter Offensive, 16...
About 2 December [Annotator's Note: 2 December 1944] James Alspaugh and his outfit [Annotator's Note: 102nd Infantry...
