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Mann landed in Southern France early in the morning [Annotator's Note: the morning of 15 August 1944]. He went ashore...
As they went out, they saw a lone destroyer or possibly a light cruiser. They went to find the carrier but they did not...
Lepla took off with the strike group on the morning of the Battle of Santa Cruz [Annotator's Note: 26 October 1942]....
After John Keema’s navigator Frank Delarmie [Annotator’s Note: unsure of spelling] was killed they were assigned a new...
Richard Cole heard that some of the aircraft had cameras on them but his was not one of them. The picture of Doolittle...
Munich was defended with 105 millimeter guns which were different than the 88 millimeter guns they were used to. They...
When John Luckadoo was on his bomb run [Annotators Note: during the 8 October 1943 mission to Bremen] it was terribly...
Robert Shoens felt that the flak was limited on that mission [Annotators Note: the 6 March 1944 mission to Berlin]. It...
By the time the second strike was launched, the first attack on Hiryu [Annotator's Note: Japanese aircraft carrier...
Sherman had helped to set up many of the dirt revetments. The Chinese had helped as well. Each revetment was high...
Barney Old Coyote’s crew was credited with sinking a submarine; it was not an individual accolade. The escort would...
Church had different responsibilities on Guam. His first assignment was to handle anything to do with recreation....
Leonard Spivey was hanging in his parachute and it was cold. Spivey was not uncomfortable because he thinks he had a...
John Noack notes that everything was fine that day. They had escort until they had to turn back. The fighters reached...
Vejtasa made several raids prior to the Battle of the Coral Sea [Annotator's Note: 4-8 May 1942]. After Tulagi, they...
Hopkins was aboard the Hornet when they were under attack. It was quite an attack. The first few bombs knocked out the...
Keema had flown back to back to back missions on eight, nine, and ten [Annotator’s Note: 8, 9, and 10 October 1943]....
To John Gibbons none of the missions he flew were as bad as the 19 March mission [Annotators Note: the 19 March 1944...
After returning to his carrier, Norman Kleiss got a cup of coffee and prepared for his next flight. About that time a...
On the mission to Blechhammer one of Rackley's partner's lost an engine. He saw the cowling fly off of the engine. His...
After the Great Marianas Turkey Shoot [Annotators Note: the Battle of the Philippine Sea] the action really slowed down...
All four Japanese carriers were sunk during the Battle of Midway. The Japanese plan had been to draw the American...
Sherman believes that everyone should know a little bit about every theater. Sherman believes that the generosity and...
There were balloons in the air and was some antiaircraft fire over Bangkok [Annotator’s Note: Thailand] but it was...
John Noack pitied his copilot because he had to endure that rough take off. They got above the clouds and assembled...
Before the Battle of the Coral Sea , Vejtasa's group got some information on the Japanese base at Rabaul and the...
When they left the ground they were going a little under 80 miles per hour. The ship was making about 20 knots and...
When the 12 ships in his squadron hit Diamondhead [Annotator's Note: the volcanic crater on Oahu, Hawaii], 6 went south...
Alexander Jefferson went into Stalag Luft III with about 75 to 100 prisoners. The rooms were crowded so they turned the...
John Keema and a lot of the guys he flew with had qualms about the Münster raid. Unfortunately he did not have anyone...
During this attack there was only one plane lost. As Norman Kleiss was heading back to the carrier he came across...
Munich had a lot of hits because the railroad yards were in the middle of the city. There was a lot of damage from...
John Luckadoo was the operations officer of the 350th Bombardment Squadron, 100th Bombardment Group, 8th Air Force...
The Germans repaired Kalil's mouth and jaw. He did not mind it. He remembers the worst part was them cutting him open...
Brooks group was moved to a permanent camp which was an old French Colonial army camp. It was a nice place and the food...
When Mancel Kirk was in the Anzio beachhead the only time they could get out [Annotators Note: of their foxholes] was...
