Ethnic/racial identity

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Assigned to the 1st Battalion[Annotator's Note: the 5307th Composite Unit (Provisional) was known as Merrill's...
[Annotator’s Note: Interviewee speaks very slowly throughout this segment.] After Taylor Howard worked in a CCC [...
Tokuji Yoshihashi and his fellow replacements arrived there [Annotator's Note: in France] shortly after the 442nd...
Herbert W. Ridyard joined the 94th Infantry Division in Mississippi. The division was going on maneuvers in Tennessee...
Gerard Halpern graduated from high school in May or June of 1943. He applied to City College and started classes there...
[Annotator's Note: Masaji Insohita served in the Army as a Japanese translator and interrogator in the China-Burma-...
Nicole Sabbag Spangenberg's stepfather constantly listened to the radio to glean info on how the war was going outside...
Grant Jiro Hirabayashi attended school in Hotaka, Nagano, Japan for eight years and lived with his extended family....
Paul Takeo Bannai decided to go to Washington D.C. to lobby for the inclusion of Japanese-Americans in the military. He...
Eugene Tarrant went to join the military when he was 18. He was in good shape, about 175 pounds. A sergeant asked him...
Jack Bornstein was born in Brooklyn [Annotator’s Note: Brooklyn, New York City, New York] in January 1921. He grew up...
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer mentions a book about Erna Deiglmayr titled "Erna's Children: Rescuing the Youngest...
Romay Catherine Johnson Davis did not know there was anything different than segregation. She had everything she needed...
In April 1944, the day after Passover, two Hungarian police officers woke the family of Ernest Gross, and told them...
Ben Skardon thought the prisoners would be taken back to Bilibid Prison and that the American troops were nearby or...
Grant Jiro Hirabayashi was very confused after visiting his family in an internment camp but returned to Fort Snelling...
[Annotator's Note: Severin Fayerman left the defeated Polish Army to work in his family’s factory in Bedzin, Silesia,...
Yukio Kawamoto's parents did not have to divulge too much about how their time in the camp went. Kawamoto had gotten a...
Eva Gross was sent to the Krakow-Plaszow concentration camp in Poland [Annotator's Note: this was after a short stay in...
Elizabeth Goldstein and her family lived in the ghetto [Annotator’s Note: in Mateszalka, Hungary] for only a couple of...
Fred Amram remembers going to the park. His parents talked about their experiences. He has a memory of being hungry....
Anneliese Nossbaum lived in Bonn, Germany and was proud of the synagogue there where her father was the cantor. As a...
The day after Kristallnacht [Annotator's Note: 11 November 1938], Marthe Cohn's oldest brother and sister went to...
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer asks Helene Bouton to talk about life in a concentration camp.] There was only one...
Abraham Rosenzweig picked up troops [Annotator’s Note: at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii] and headed for the invasion of...
Itka Bloch was sick when she was working in a factory. She worked on a large machine. The German lady liked her and...
When Norman Raner got in the landing craft, he was told that the driver had landed on the beach three times, so Raner...
Isaac Edward landed in Florence, Italy with the 92nd Infantry Division. There were combat units next to them that hit a...
Leslie Aigner walked through the outskirts of Landsberg. A fellow prisoner pointed out the prison where Hitler [...
Irwin Stovroff flew his last mission on 13 August [Annotator's Note: 13 August 1944]. He felt great that it was to be...
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer switches to Jay Christopher Atkins who asks Robert Mayes how it felt to have two...
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer asks Leon Bass if he has any personal regrets regarding his service during World War...
Calvin Elliott did not use the G.I. Bill. He had an occupation. He worked with women all of his life. When he retired,...
John Bellecci does not think that American society today understands World War 2. Education is what won that war for us...
Simon Braitman cried when he was liberated [Annotator’s Note: by the 71st Infantry Division on 4 May 1945]. He could...
Samson Alexander's most memorable experience of World War 2 was when Harry Truman [Annotator's Note: Harry S. Truman,...
