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When Sammy Ray and the 1st Marine Division [Annotator's Note: Ray was a pharmacist's mate assigned to Headquarters...
Harry McKnight was not smart enough to be afraid until he heard shells firing for the first time. It took time for him...
Edward Riedl remembers that Okinawa [Annotator's Note: Okinawa, Japan] was different than Leyte [Annotator's Note:...
Edward Bale went to Okinawa at the beginning of the assault as part of a deception force that did not land. The 2nd...
Charles Davis went on USS LCI-1023 to Okinawa where the Kamikazes were really bad. He thought he was immune to blood...
William Lutz went into a cave on Okinawa [Annotator’s Note: the Battle of Okinawa, codenamed Operation Iceberg; 1 April...
Harold Ronson went to Okinawa [Annotator's Note: during the Battle of Okinawa, codenamed Operation Iceberg, 1 April to...
Clifford Albert Hahn was destined for Okinawa [Annotator's Note: Okinawa, Japan]. He knew very little about the overall...
Daniel J. Lawler [Annotator's Note: serving with Company K, 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division in...
Robert Oplinger participated in several battles before Okinawa. It took three months for the United States for defeat...
When Edmund Aziz was assigned to a ship [Annotator’s Note: USS Reeves (DE-156), later converted to attack transport (...
Jeremiah "Jerry" O'Keefe was there [Annotator's Note: on Espiritu Santo, Vanuatu] for two or three months before...
[Annotator's Note: George Peto served in the US Marine Corps in a machine gun section in 3rd Battalion, 1st Marine...
Fred Gemmel [Annotator's Note: a Torpedoman 2nd Class assigned to the USS Laffey (DD-724)] saw kamikazes [Annotator's...
Frank Kern, [Annotator's Note: a corporal in A Battery, 1st Battalion, 10th Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division]...
Kenneth Theis [Annotator’s Note: Supply and Disbursement Officer aboard the USS Manlove (DE-36)] was part of a giant...
Merlin Smith made his way to Okinawa for the real McCoy [Annotator's Note: he was aboard the assault transport ship USS...
Ellis Whaley's training had been in engineering. He was given a transit and laid out roads and a cemetery. He had some...
Arthur Joseph Arceneaux Junior arrived after the field [Annotator's Note: Yontan Airfield (Japanese name Kita Airfield...
William “Bill” Knapp was part of the Okinawa invasion on Easter morning 1945 [Annotator’s Note: Knapp was a coxswain on...
John H. Cole looked up and saw a bomb coming toward him [Annotator's Note: while on Okinawa, Japan]. It tumbled to the...
Calvin Moore went to one place where a guy hit him with an axe. They were cutting black mahogany trees. He does not...
William Darling [Annotator's Note: with Company K, 3rd Battalion,1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division] was told...
Jack Gutman said that because there were so many, the wounded were taken off Okinawa and brought back to various ships...
Vernon Cummings' ship [Annotator's Note: USS Indiana (BB-58)] stayed in formation with the carriers until 1 April 1945...
Bruce LaRose [Annotator’s Note: serving with the 16th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division in Normandy after...
Hillman James Prestridge was sent to boot camp to train in field artillery. Training was good, and he enjoyed the...
Bernard Friedenberg trained for the invasion of Europe after the invasion of Sicily. He landed at Omaha Beach and Gela...
Lionel Baxter and his outfit [Annotator's Note: Battery A, 941st Field Artillery Battalion] landed on Omaha Beach [...
Don Bowling trained with rifles, machine guns, and mortars. He landed on Omaha [Annotator's Note: Omaha Beach, Normandy...
Edward Denzler did a lot of patrolling and remembers one mission when his company [Annotator's Note: Company K, 3rd...
Howard T. Maki had taken basic training on the 81mm mortar [Annotator's Note: M1 81mm mortar]. It was a devastating...
Richard Keller [Annotator's Note: with Company E, 148th Infantry Regiment, 37th Infantry Division] was at Indiantown...
William Scully [Annotator’s Note: served with Company C, 1st Battalion, 406th Infantry Regiment, 102nd Infantry...
Chet Graham [Annotator's Note: Chester Earl Graham] went to Baupte [Annotator's Note: Baupte , France], one of the few...
Chet Graham [Annotator's Note: Chester Earl Graham] says he became the Regimental Liaison Officer, which is a glorified...
