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Melvin Munch was discharged in 1946. He had volunteered to be the unit baker while on Okinawa because the traditional...
Lloyd Dendy had been on a ship coming home when the war in Europe ended [Annotator's Note: 8 May 1945] and President...
James Bollich remained in Korea for about six weeks. From Korea, he took a train to Mukden, Manchuria [Annotator's Note...
In Mukden, Manchuria [Annotator's Note: Hoten Camp, Mukden, now Shenyang, China], Malcom Ernest learned how to...
[Annotator's Note: Clarence Becker was already serving in the Army Air Forces when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor,...
Charles Balaza and the defenders of Corregidor were taken by troopship to the shores of Manila. They were offloaded a...
[Annotator's Note: Lloyd Burns was a prisoner of war in Oflag XIII-B in Hammelburg, Germany and escaped during the...
When the Germans captured Hugh Colbert and his unit [Annotator's Note: Company B, 1st Battalion, 422nd Infantry...
On 10 April [Annotator's Note: 10 April 1942], Erwin Johnson and his fellow prisoners of war started their march away [...
Joseph O'Donnell went to Fallingbostel, XI-B [Annotator's Note: Stalag XI-B in Fallingbostel, Germany; he arrived on 3...
[Annotator's Note: Robert Doolan was a prisoner of war in Stalag Luft III in Zagań, Poland.] There were about 2,000...
After Kaare Allan Johnson's unit [Annotator's Note: 596th Parachute Combat Engineer Company, 517th Parachute Infantry...
The hardest part of the Marines Corps for Ernest Jackson was basic training and learning to obey orders. But it was a...
Deployment overseas for William Pierce was originally to be to Saipan. Because that battle had ended, Pierce's ship was...
While she was in boot camp, Verna White's daily routine started at five in the morning, followed by calisthenics and...
Henrietta Harkness [Annotator's Note: an Army nurse with the 24th Evacuation Hospital] was sent to Nijmegen, Holland...
Frank Fontana was part of a MASH [Annotator's Note: Mobile Army Surgical Hospital] unit. They put up a ward tent that...
In 1953, Bernard Marcus was called into the office of General Lawton [Annotator’s Note: General Kirke B. Lawton] who...
Jesse Wofford thought the German Me-262s [Annotator's Note: German Messerschmitt Me-262 jet fighter aircraft] were "...
[Annotator's Note: Arthur Smith left his Mediterranean duty and returned to the US from Oran, Algeria.] He landed in...
When coming under enemy fire, Charles Slay would try to get behind something or get down into a cellar if he could....
When Rosemarie Weber finished high school, she met a priest named Father John. Father John suggested that she look up...
Edwin Joseph Borne, Jr. and his entourage met some of the Wake Island conquerors. [Annotator's Note: Borne and six...
Luna Kaufman found that her Russian liberators believed in free love. That meant the liberators felt that they had the...
Edward Grant was assigned to his unit [Annotator's Note: 412th Bombardment Squadron, 95th Bombardment Group. 8th Air...
[Annotator's Note: Through the 50 minutes that make up this clip, Melvin Linkous reviews period photographs of the men...
George Hood flew a memorable bomber mission over Odaka, Japan [Annotator’s Note: in a Boeing B-29 Superfortress heavy...
There was an incident involving the Red Cross where Elmo Espree and another black soldier wanted to enter the facility...
Among his most memorable experiences during the war, William Hendren recounted when he was training on an aircraft...
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer pauses the interview to adjust the camera.] Jack Rolfson went to work for American...
Joseph Dean Reilly went from England to Holland in an airplane [Annotator's Note: with Headquarters, 3rd Battalion,...
Robert Stoop figures he did his job and his duty during the war. He feels he was not the best officer, but did what had...
Sara Aldouby grew up in a small village in Hungary. Her family called her "my pillow" because she used to carry around...
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer asks John Campbell about pay. He explains the lengthy process for getting paid.]...
James Crane got into the Merchant Marine because Roosevelt [Annotator’s Note: President Franklin D. Roosevelt and...
Thomas Kiyoshi Tsubota and other Japanese-American linguists were divided into teams. They were members of Merrill's...
