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Leo William Schmittgens thought he was treated well by the veteran Marines. He learned a lot from them and cherished...
Joseph Richard stayed assigned to the USS Rigel (AR-11) throughout the war until the invasion of Okinawa. He then...
[Annotator's Note: Person offscreen interjects throughout the interview]. Harold G. Cowart and his unit headed to Maui...
William Leo Spaetgens and his Navy crewmates aboard the SS Leslie M. Shaw (MC-0440) converted their Liberty Ship to a...
Theodore Finkbeiner jumped into Sicily on the first night of the invasion [Annotator's Note: 9 July 1943]. His plane...
Melvin Linkous and his outfit [Annotator's Note: Cannon Company, 38th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division]...
In 2015, Joseph Alexander was invited by the German government to help celebrate the 70th anniversary of the liberation...
Morris Semiatin [Annotator's Note: wounded in the Battle of Iwo Jima, Japan, 19 February to 26 March 1945, while...
[Annotator's Note: Robert J. Ferris was pilot in Marine Torpedo Bombing Squadron 232 (VMTB-232) and took part in combat...
Arthur Killam kept up with some of the guys he served with in the US Navy during the war but never went to any of the...
Robert Maxwell was sent to western Sicily to defend an airfield along with General Patton's [Annotator's Note: US Army...
In Italy, William McCowen [Annotator's Note: a member of the US Army Air Forces] would only see Italians when he was...
Joseph Roman was in Africa for a few months before going to Naples, Anzio, Apennines – all over [Annotators Note: Italy...
Thomas Joseph Lemme went directly from Hawaii to Iwo Jima [Annotator's Note: Iwo Jima, Japan with Company G, 2nd...
After the battle of Iwo Jima [Annotator's Note: Battle of Iwo Jima, 19 February to 26 March 1945, Iwo Jima, Japan],...
In 1944, Louis R. Lepore loaded his division [Annotator's Note: 5th Marine Division] into a ship and set sail. He...
Harry McCauley and PC-800 stayed in Hawaii for about a month after their initial deployment to the Pacific. McCauley...
Freeman Dyson met J. Robert Oppenheimer when the latter was the Director of the Institute for Advanced Study [Annotator...
Benjamin Carson served with James Roosevelt who was President Roosevelt's [Annotator's Note: President Franklin D....
Edmond Guidry wanted to kill the Japanese for what they did. When the war ended, the United States still did not trust...
Therese Wadsworth Warne [Annotator's Note: an American child living in the Philippines during World War 2] was eating...
Trinidad Ledesma feels that some of the kamikazes were fanatics and some were not. One had landed on Mindanao,...
[Annotator's Note: This segment is the beginning of a second interview recorded with Mrs. Grant in the studio at The...
Milton L. McMullen, Sr. heard about the attack at Pearl Harbor [Annotator's Note: the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor,...
Anthony Costa was sent to Osaka aboard a ship to work on the docks there. He was in a transport ship hold where he did...
Edwin Joseph Borne, Jr. met Dr. Ozeki [Annotator's Note: Dr. Shigeyoshi Ozeki was a Japanese veteran of the Battle of...
Charles Balaza was on a work detail when he saw a Japanese guard hit an American POW [Annotator's Note: prisoners of...
Benjamin Albert Glusing's friends operated the prisoner of war stockade on New Caledonia. Glusing liked to visit his...
Edwin Joseph Borne, Jr. realized that there were no officers to protect the Wake Island Marines who were prisoners of...
Kenneth Raymond Goodwin was the historian for the unit [Annotator's Note: Goodwin was a member of the I...
On 7 December 1941, Susumas Ito had a pass to go to town for that morning. He heard over the radio about the attack on...
Kaare Allan Johnson's unit [Annotator's Note: 596th Parachute Combat Engineer Company, 517th Parachute Infantry...
Joseph LaNier was 15 years old and working in a nightclub when an incident happened in Columbus [Annotator’s Note:...
During the war, Aaron Baumgarten worried less about meeting up with the Japanese than he was of coming to a bad end...
[Annotators Note: Wesley Trindal served in the US Army as a rifleman in Company F, 2nd Battalion, 22nd Infantry...
Between 12 and 15 paratroopers arrived in Ireland with Bradford Clark Freeman, and Winters [Annotator's Note: later US...
