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William Wayne ran into a corpsman who was sitting with a guy who was wounded in the stomach. Wayne told them they could...
George Allen says the officer accommodations in New Mexico were okay. Most of the time they were in the field though....
Itka Zygmuntowicz was in Auschwitz and had to work outside. She got lucky and started working in a place where the...
Jack Leaming and other Allied prisoners of war, POWs, were forced to work by the Japanese after capture. Work details...
Jack Pierce remembers getting to Kwajalein Island [Annotator’s Note: Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands] after they had...
Dolores McInnis Libby applied to work [Annotator's Note: at Consolidated Aircraft Corporation] because she had a friend...
Margaret Kerry remembers the time when no one knew if television would take over the movies. The movie stars could be...
[Annotator's Note: An interviewer asks Thomas J. Blakey if he is familiar with US Army Lieutenant General Lewis Hyde...
After finishing school, Grace Brown was told she had a job at Consolidated [Annotator's Note: Consolidated Aircraft...
[Annotator’s Note: There is a buzzing in the background throughout this clip.] Justus Rosenberg [Annotator’s Note:...
Mildred Aupied worked in Shop 1 [Annotator’s Note: at Delta Shipyard in New Orleans, Louisiana]. There were two other...
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer asks George Wiswell about a job his company did after the war in Pakistan.] When...
Isadore Bronstein started at the lowest government grade when he went to work [Annotator's Note: in Washington, D.C.]....
Constance Negrotto heard about the PBY job from the high school principal at Rabouin [Annotator’s Note: the PBY...
Holly Reynolds remembers a lot of Army and Navy troops coming in. She also remembers Merchant Mariners there because...
[Annotator's Note: There is a lot of background noise throughout this clip.] The invasion of Okinawa [Annotator's Note...
Even though she was young, Marie Rankart paid attention to world events. At the time, young people had more of an...
William Wayne has two bad memories of Iwo [Annotator's Note: Iwo Jima, Japan]. The first was going across open land and...
Jack Werner's worst experience in the war was not viewing dead bodies at Kwajalein [Annotator's Note: Battle of...
Maurice Hackler recalled having been sent to Czechoslovakia, but they could only do visual bombing in that country....
After the Battle of the Bulge they went into combat in Germany where John Caponigro was wounded again. After being...
About 2 December [Annotator's Note: 2 December 1944] James Alspaugh and his outfit [Annotator's Note: 102nd Infantry...
[Annotator’s Note: There is a beeping sound throughout the segment.] Joel Arnold was assigned to a meteorological unit...
James Wilson landed in Wellington, New Zealand [Annotator's Note: on 11 July 1942] and it was cold and raining. They [...
One night, as Richard Jaccarino was sleeping under his poncho, the Japanese counterattack began. Just below their...
[Annotator's Note: Leslie Cruise continually refers to a book that he has off camera.] During Operation Market Garden [...
John Ericson and his outfit [Annotator's Note: Company B, 2nd Battalion, 194th Glider Infantry Regiment, 17th Airborne...
Herman Molen remembers some pilots had good records and others did not. The lead plane had two engines out [Annotator’s...
Robert Joseph Blatnik and his unit [Annotator's Note: 1st Battalion, 26th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division]...
While Ralph Morse was in the hospital recovering from malaria, he was told he would not be going back to the Pacific [...
On his second day on Iwo Jima, Japan, William Wayne and his unit [Annotator's Note: Company E, 2nd Battalion, 28th...
Charles Martin remembers that the new tanks had 75 mm howitzers on them. Martin and a friend learned how to swim...
Burton "Burt" Johnson was on Pavuvu [Annotator's Note: Pavuvu, Russell Islands with the 1st Marine Division]. He never...
Jack Rolfson does not recall having any burial services for fallen men in his squadron [Annotator's Note: 427th...
Sidney Maiten and his ship [Annotator's Note: USS Catoctin (AGC-5)] sailed to Sevastopol for the Yalta Conference....
While serving in the US Merchant Marine, Clifton Trahan signed up for the ATS [Annotator's Note: Army Transport Service...
