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Wesley John Dochick went back to work in a machine shop after the war, making aircraft parts. Then he worked for Conrad...
Willard Haul "Jack" Coop's most memorable experience of World War 2 was VE-Day [Annotator's Note: Victory in Europe Day...
Rollins Rosenzweig has a vivid memory of looking through his tail gun window as the Yamato was being attacked and...
Robert G. Aldous' attitude was to either fight in the war or lose the war [Annotator's Note: when asked by the...
Charles Taylor's most memorable experience of World War 2 was when he was able to take out a German submarine. He saw...
Edmund Frodyma is proud to have served in the Army and Air Force. He believes that America did not learn anything from...
[Annotator's Note: The sound quality is diminished throughout this segment.] George Henry Rosenberg was changed by...
Stewart Hihn [Annotator's Note: with the 222nd Infantry Regiment, 42nd Infantry Division] was transferred from the 42nd...
Alfred A. Johnson, Jr. returned to Camp Shelby [Annotator's Note: near Hattiesburg, Mississippi] with some of his...
Donald L. Beeghly was born in Sabetha, Kansas in May 1925. His father worked for Union Pacific but was laid off during...
[Annotator's Note: Ed Kough refers to a paper for dates and holds it up in front of his face throughout the segment.]...
Running is in Ernest "Ernie" Andrus' nature. He has been a runner most of his life. He ran his first 200 mile relay...
[Annotator's Note: Video pauses frequently throughout segment.] Whayland Harvel Greene was born in February 1925 in...
James "Jim" L. Brooks was born in January 1921 in Vinton, Virginia which was a rural area. Though his family lived on a...
Nolan Albarado was born in June 1917 in Grand Bayou, Louisiana. He was very young during the Great Depression and life...
William McCowen was born in 1926 in Elmsford, New York. His family moved around frequently because his father worked...
Louis E. Casebonne was born in January 1928 in New Orleans, Louisiana. His mother died when he was five years old and...
Robert Rupp was born in 1918 in Aurora, Nebraska. He lived there until he went to college. The worst of the Great...
Wagner grew up in Duluth, Minnesota. She attended high school and college in there.Her father was a ladies tailor. He...
Lyle Bouck joined the National Guard [Annotator's Note: Missouri National Guard] at the age of 14. Growing up during...
Chuck was born in Long Island, New York in 1917. He believes that things were going better during the Great Depression...
Loevsky was born on Long Island, New York. He was 1 of 3 children.His father worked in a bronze factory. He was a young...
John Luckadoo, known as Lucky, was born in March 1922 in Chattanooga, Tennessee. He grew up in Chattanooga. It was a...
Leahr and the interviewer talk about fishing.Leahr grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio. His father was a chauffeur and his...
Robert Zawada began as a member of an I...
Lou Brissie was raised in Greenville, South Carolina. His father was a barn stormer. Brissie's father believed in equal...
Richard Ford was born in Erie, Pennsylvania on the Great Lakes. He had two sisters and was the youngest one in the...
Flournoy was born in Wheaton, Missouri on March 30th, 1921. The Depression affected her family but as a kid she did not...
Baldwin was born on 7 February 1922 in Jasper, Alabama. His family moved to Birmingham in 1928 when he was 6 years old...
Rogers was born in Saltville, Virginia on 1 January 1915.He graduated from high school in 1932 during the middle of the...
Harold Rosen was born in Dallas, Texas in April 1925. His father owned his own business so the depression did not hit...
Brooks was born on 30 October of 1919 in Greeneville, Tennessee. He recalls his childhood during the Great Depression....
Jerry Yellin was born on February 15th, 1924 in Newark, New Jersey. He graduated from Hillside High School in June of...
Mancel Grant Kirk was born near Finger, Tennessee in 1925 and spent his whole life there except when he went away for...
Sherman was born and raised near Toledo, Ohio. He attended school in Toledo. He was fortunate enough to take classes at...
Barney Old Coyote was born in April 1923. He spoke the Crow language growing up. Old Coyote was raised by his...
