Interactions with Allied troops

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When the war was over, a lot of women stayed on in the factories. Helen Kushnir went to work for Western Union as a...
Donald F. Goyette spent time on Iwo Jima [Annotator's note: Iwo Jima, Japan]. When the Marines were preparing to invade...
Frank Maresca shipped out from the 54th Street Pier in Brooklyn aboard His Majesty's Ship Franconia, a converted luxury...
Ora Hicks was one of the nurses to attend Yale University [Annotator's Note: Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut...
John T. "Jack" Race had a flight to the surrender of the Germans [Annotator's Note: on 8 May 1945]. He flew the German...
Christian de Marcken's parents had seen the harbingers of war talked about how the situation resembled the prelude to...
Wim de Jonge was drafted into the Dutch Army [Annotator's Note: de Jonge was drafted into the Koninklijk Nederlandsch-...
[Annotator's Note: Wynn Bauer served in the Army as an assistant driver on an M4 Sherman medium tank in the 36th...
Everywhere that Frederick Ellis went there was an officer's club. The enlisted men never got that. Every once in a...
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer asks James Billingsley to talk about a soldier who committed suicide.] A guy told...
Byron Othello Wilkins helped form a club with Corps Commander Troy Middleton who was University Controller. The club...
Lillian Drucker's brothers did not talk much about the war to her afterwards and she was afraid to ask. [Annotator's...
During the war, there were signs all over the city [Annotator's Note: New Orleans, Louisiana]. The most impressive to...
Manfred Steinfeld recalls that in April 1945, a special formation of Division Headquarters [Annotator's Note:...
After the American Army moved in [Annotator's Note: near Schladen, Germany in early April 1945] Elvira Maria Katarina...
oseph Kanter [Annotator's Note: with 2nd Battalion, 406th Infantry Regiment, 102nd Infantry Division] saw a...
Samuel W. Smith remembers when the war ended in Europe, bombers were needed in the Pacific. There were 65 crews picked...
Towards the end of World War 2, James Nannini was located at an outpost near Innsbruck [Annotator's Note: Innsbruck,...
Edward Stone was aboard the USS Bumper (SS-333) after its first war patrol when it entered Subic Bay in the Philippines...
During World War 2, Ted Winestone joined the partisans [Annotator's note: after escaping from the ghetto in Dworzec,...
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer has Harry Tennant answer questions written to him.] Harry Tennant was in the Pacific...
Horace Sharp and his squad [Annotator's Note: 1st Squad, 1st Platoon, Company B, 1st Battalion, 18th Infantry Regiment...
After the war ended, Dr. Robert Beynon and the USS Bowfin (SS-287) went to Long Island [Annotator's Note: Long Island,...
Lloyd Augustus Chamblin, Jr. knew most of the men in his squadron [Annotator's Note: Marine Scout Bombing Squadron 133...
Reneau Breard [Annotator’s Note: serving with the 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division] was...
Kenneth F. Thomas treated a lot of bullet and shrapnel wounds when treating troops. He also treated civilian children...
James Harvard London was sent to Holland [Annotator's Note: the Netherlands] after the Bulge [Annotator's Note: Battle...
Benjamin Wolf Cohen and his unit [Annotator's Note: Company A, 320th Engineer Combat Battalion, 95th Infantry Division...
On 8 May 1945, the war ended, and R.M. Wilkes was told to stand down. After a few weeks, he was sent to Czechoslovakia...
Dr. John Julien Zingheim was not close to Remagen [Annotator's Note: Remagen, Germany]. He occasionally operated on...
[Annotator's Note: Leslie Cruise continually refers to a book that he has off camera.] During the Battle of the Bulge [...
Jerome "Jerry" Riga completed over 40 missions [Annotator's Note: as a Republic P-47 Thunderbolt fighter pilot] in...
Sydney Levit remembered when the war in Europe was finally over. He heard that he was going to be sent home for 30 days...
Stewart Hihn [Annotator's Note: with the 222nd Infantry Regiment, 42nd Infantry Division] was reminded why they were...
Rita Brandes was in the British Zone of Occupation after the war. Most clothing came from the United States. She had a...
[Annotator's Note: After capturing Mainz, Germany,] Vernon Schmidt and his unit [Annotator's Note: Company E, 358th...
