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Rankin's squadron [Annotator's Note: 61st Fighter Squadron, 56th Fighter Group] had an apartment in London that the men...
Biddle was not allowed to return to combat because he was being put up for the Medal of Honor. He was told that he had...
John Weinart notes that the Virgin Mary prayer card experience is in the book that he wrote. The Bronze Star that...
After the invasion they left Southern France [Annotator's Note: Perrett means Northern France, in June 1944] and...
[Annotators Note: Henry Phillips served in Company M, 3rd Battalion, 47th Infantry Regiment, 9th Infantry Division.] By...
The intelligence was good for the southern France operation. The intelligence officers claimed to know the rank and...
Steve Pisanos scored his first victory on 21 May [Annotators Note: 21 May 1943]. They had taken bombers to Frankfurt,...
After leaving the aid station [Annotator’s Note: near Chambois, France on August 20, 1944] Hawk was looked at by...
Thatcher was able to get his tool kit from the plane. Later in the morning there was a Chinese underground member who...
Michael Cokinos was only in charge of Russian prisoners for a short amount of time. The Russians were prisoners of the...
They hung around in the area [Annotator's Note: the crew of the USS Bayfield, near Okinawa] for about twelve days...
James Carrington's war started on 7 December 1941. He was a prisoner for two years. On 3 February 1945 he moved into...
On the morning of the 21st they were ordered to go down Tombstone Ridge and head west to the village of Nishibaru....
[Annotators note: Henry Phillips was the operations officer in 3rd Battalion Headquarters, 47th Infantry Regiment, 9th...
Wilburn K. Ross stayed behind because he felt that he was able to stop the Germans. He had confidence in his ability to...
Schmedemann's career was in his hands. He wanted to go to the Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth,...
They had the Evans floating and had an auxiliary generator running; that meant lights and refrigeration. They were...
Freddie Ohr had an aerial photographer in his group who had just come out of the photography school in Denver. He asked...
Woods was upset after the war because he wasn't given the benefits of the G.I. Bill. A friend of his his who had been...
Richard Greer thought very highly of the navy medical personnel who worked with them. The pharmacist’s mates were...
President Harry S. Truman was convinced to come to the west coast [Annotator’s Note: to award Hawk with the Medal of...
[Annotator's Note: for the first 35 seconds of this segment Rall is speaking German with someone in the room other than...
They had a couple of rainy days in April [Annotator's Note: April 1945] but the rains got heavy after Lazarick left. He...
When Henry Phillips left the hospital after three weeks of recovering from his third wound he boarded a replacement...
Barney Old Coyote’s crew was credited with sinking a submarine; it was not an individual accolade. The escort would...
Back in the United States the main role he had was to see that everybody's personnel records were in order before they...
During the breakout from the Anzio beachhead John Vessey was a forward observer with an infantry company. They were...
A typical day [Annotator’s Note: in Italy during the war in 1945] started at 4:40 or 5:00 in the morning. After...
Once they [Annotators Note: Richard Cole, James Doolittle, and the crewmen aboard their B-25 which had just taken part...
Kassal remembers they moved very quickly through France, through the Rhone Valley, stopping in various cities like...
Hershel Williams does not remember knocking out some of the pillboxes. One of them, however, Williams remembers, ran...
[Annotator’s Note: James Carrington enlisted in the United States Marine Corps in 1939 and spent two years in China...
The 164th [Annotators Note: the US Army’s 164th Infantry Regiment] came ashore as the 1st Raider Battalion was...
Vernon Baker reviews details of his Medal of Honor actions in Italy on 5 April 1945. He had a big, strong BAR [...
When Rankin arrives at Mitchell Field, [Annotator's Note: Mitchell Field, New York - First Air Force Headquarters] he...
At the same time Rochford was getting relieved, Captain Goggin was replacing him and was on the way to take over. There...
