Performance of equipment

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Benedict Bronder was shipped to Africa on an LCI, or Landing Craft Infantry, and then from Africa to the United States...
Gus Gikas was in India when he heard that the Germans had surrendered. Later, he heard of the Japanese surrender. Gikas...
After Okinawa [Annotator's Note: Okinawa, Japan], F. Lincoln Grahlfs received orders to tow away the USS Hugh W. Hadley...
Following the Battle of the Bulge, Carrol Joy and his outfit [Annotator’s Note: the 514th Fighter Squadron, 406th...
After Operation Market Garden flights, Robert Harris continued flying transport and supply missions. He at times grew...
Having returned to the United States to become part of a cadre of experienced personnel who were tasked with preparing...
Richard Scholl was in some of the dirtiest fighting in the Philippines [Annotator's Note: Invasion of Lingayen Gulf,...
While on Okinawa [Annotator's Note: Okinawa, Japan], Gerry Jones was called over the radio to search for some Japanese...
Enemy fighters would come from all directions at the bombers. William Fili says they would dive fast and then turn away...
On his 22nd mission, Herbert Gross bailed out over French Indochina in Japanese territory. It took eight days to walk...
Herbert Heilbrun wore long johns under woolen pants with a warm shirt under a Mae West [Annotator's Note: inflatable...
Donelson Houseman was confident in his training. What worried him was that he did not know where he was. He was taken...
As soon as the artillery rounds got close, Charles Murray could not call in corrections because the batteries in his...
The day the affair took place [Annotator's Note: the Battle of the Philippine Sea on 19-20 June 1944] they had not had...
[Annotator's Note: Henry Little served in the Army as a combat engineer in Company D, 2nd Engineer Combat Battalion,...
After Carrol Joy arrived in England, he was sent by train to Ashford Kent. They may have been the closest base to the...
Edward Nacey went to combat crew training with a brand-new crew for the B-24 Liberator [Annotator's Note: Consolidated...
Carrol Joy moved from England to France in July [Annotator’s Note: July 1944]. Afterward, his squadron would be in...
It took a good month for Joseph Blouin to fly from West Palm Beach, Florida to England. The captain checking them in in...
Lysander "Ben" Neighbors [Annotator's Note: stationed in Duxford, England with the 14th Fighter Group] serviced P-47s [...
Howard Genrich was on a stretcher when he was loaded onto a C-47 [Annotator's Note: Douglas C-47 cargo aircraft]...
When Alfred "Al" Danegger arrived in England, he was immediately ordered to drive an ammunition truck to Liverpool [...
Paul Pizzolongo says that England was rainy, and the people had no teeth. The British loved the Americans, treated them...
Claire Maddox went ashore [Annotator's Note: as a member of ACORN-21, after the Battle of Eniwetok, 17 to 23 February...
Harold Ronson went to Eniwetok, Marshall Islands, which later became famous for the atomic bomb testing [Annotator's...
Roland M. Lee was born in Punta Gorda, Florida where he grew up and attended high school. The town population was only...
After one year of study at Iowa State [Annotator's Note: Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa], Robert Erskine Hendrick...
Frank H. O'Leary was leaving his friend's house when he learned about the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor [Annotator's...
Daniel J. Lawler was born in 1925 in Glens Falls [Annotator's Note: Glens Falls, New York]. His father worked in the...
Joseph Pilcher was born in March 1925 and at the age of 17, the Army Air Corps allowed him to test for cadet training....
In the Spring of 1942, Benjamin Clark Amsden started pursuing going into Naval Aviation. He found out the eye exam was...
William J. Twigger had a cousin his age. His cousin and his brother had joined the Marine Corps early in the war....
Marvin Hill went to the Parcel Post building in Richmond to enlist, and underwent a physical. He was rejected, and told...
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer asks John Wicklund how he ended up in the Army.] John Wicklund explains that during...
Delbert Franklin Hackman [Annotator's Note: a mechanic with Headquarters Battery, 391st Armored Field Artillery...
The Bulge [Annotator's Note: Battle of the Bulge or German Ardennes Counter-Offensive, 16 December 1944 to 25 January...
