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Jack Carver thinks the youth of today have no idea of the type of war the Second World War was. The movie is good [...
James L. Wheeler spoke to a high school class and there was a person of Japanese descent in it. He asked what Wheeler...
Robert Curl was proud of his service in the Navy and loved the food except for C rations. During the D-Day invasion [...
Martin Banyas has restricted use of his shoulders as a result of his wartime service [Annotator's Note: as a Marine...
Charles Graves Chauncey remarks that there were a lot of computers on their B-29s [Annotator's Note: Boeing B-29...
Frank George Memory had no problems returning from the war. He was married in 1946 and had five children with his wife...
Lorcey J. Sonnier began drinking too much after the war. He went back to farming when he returned home. He got married...
Jack A. Gillis' most memorable event of the war was an errant landing of a disabled aircraft that was nearly wrecked....
Cleveland Peterson's most memorable experience was being close to Pearl Harbor when the Japanese attacked. During the...
After two years, two months and seven days of service in the Navy, John Earles was discharged in the summer of 1946 at...
In James Pritchett's opinion, the significance of The National WWII Museum [Annotator's Note: in New Orleans, Louisiana...
William Beaman thinks young people should be taught the history of World War 2, and believes it is important that there...
Earl Erion fell in love and got married after his discharge from the Navy. He was back in Northern Minnesota. World War...
While Robert Brant was an Air Traffic Controller, he witnesses many plane crashes on Bougainville [Annotator's Note:...
David Yoho was on a fleet oiler in World War 2. The ship took on fuel sometimes from a fuel barge in order to refuel...
Clyde East's combat philosophy worked for him as a pilot. When he caught sight of an enemy aircraft, it scared him, but...
Robert Gaylord Furrow felt like his service made him a better man. He thinks every young man should be given military...
The war itself is Alvin von Frisch's worse memory of that time. He hated to see people die. He lost good friends who...
Rudolph C. Miller's most memorable experience of World War 2 was being stuck in a boat in a harbor in Virginia. It was...
Otto Kirkpatrick talked with some of the guys about how the war affected them after Germany surrendered. Some of them...
Otis Kight had a 30 year career in the Navy. He remembers near the end of boot camp when he was given liberty [...
Stanley James Thurston feels it is important for young people to learn the truth about what happened in the Second...
Asked what he thought of the Philippine people, Theodore Pavlovich said he made friends wherever he went, and found...
Stanley Wolczyk knew that the Japanese soldiers he encountered [Annotator's Note: during the Battle of Attu] were doing...
Louis John Walter had few of the military benefits as a civilian [Annotator's Note: Walter served in the United States...
Leo Praetorius said his most memorable experience of the war was a flight when the ship radioed him that the plane he...
Melvin C. Whitman had to figure out how to work with the Army when he landed on Okinawa [Annotator's Note: Battle of...
Eugene J. Gemperline's most memorable experience of World War 2 was being operated on and the dizzy aftermath of post-...
Richard F. Penwell participated in the famous Raid on Los Banos [Annotator's Note: liberation of Los Baños Internment...
Fiske Hanley talks about the close calls he experienced during his first six missions over the Japanese home islands....
One of Seymour Reitman's most memorable moments of World War 2 was surviving. He was raised in Atlantic City [Annotator...
Herbert Siebert's most memorable experience of World War 2 was when he was wounded during the Battle of the Bulge [...
The war changed Richard Field. Field was used to being away from home but nothing prepared him for combat. After he...
Leno E. Stone does not think that the war changed him very much. His service in the Army was a job that needed to be...
Because of his involvement in the war, Edward Grant does not feel like The National WWII Museum is for him. He believes...
As a kid, Edwin Sved was interested in model airplanes and flying. He remembers how overwhelming it was to see the new...
