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Martin J. Anschau and his outfit crossed an open field [Annotator’s Note: in Belgium with the 290th Infantry Regiment,...
The first thing that Lawrence Angst would do if he came to a soldier missing a limb was try to stop the bleeding. He...
James Goodrich and his buddy dug a foxhole. His buddy put a big branch across the top of the hole. Later that night...
After the landings at Cape Gloucester [Annotator's Note: Cape Gloucester, New Britain, Papua New Guinea], Mark Brannon...
James Livaudais toured the third floor of the Louisiana Memorial Pavilion of The National WWII Museum with multiple...
Sidney Maiten and his ship [Annotator's Note: USS Catoctin (AGC-5)] sailed to Sevastopol for the Yalta Conference....
[Annotator's Note: William Roy reviews a series of photographs he captured during the Battle of Midway in June 1942. He...
[Annotator's Note: William Roy reviews a series of photographs he captured during the Battle of Midway in June 1942. He...
[Annotator's Note: William Roy was aboard the USS Yorktown (CV-5) and worked as the ship's photographer as she returned...
Hartsel Ross joined the Maritime Services [Annotator's Note: the US Merchant Marine] in January 1944. He boarded a...
F.M. Richard Simons' worst memories are of the cold and the fear of falling asleep in his foxhole. They had wire with...
