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Ray League never heard about the Holocaust prior to entering the Army. He did not want to know, but the Germans knew....
Holocaust survivor, Ernest Gross does not give a thought to Holocaust deniers because he feels there is no way they can...
Howard Chandler continues to feel the personal effects of the Holocaust. He learned to be kind and helpful to less...
Louis Liberato came home to Norfolk, Virginia on the USNS General Simon B. Buckner. He stayed a couple of days there...
Coming back to the United States was better than going over for William King. King did not like the regimentation of...
After returning home, Clayton Hall went to work with an oil company for a week. He then went to work in a harvest field...
Garland Bath boarded a transport and went to either Saipan [Annotator's Note: Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands] or Guam...
James McDermott was at Moosburg [Annotator’s Note: Stalag VII-A in Moosburg, Germany] when the Germans surrendered. He...
Eugene Vaadi remained in the military after he was liberated from Moosburg, Germany [Annotator’s Note: Stalag VII A (...
Robert Philips came home, took advantage of the G.I. Bill and went to the University of Oregon [Annotator's Note: in...
Alfred Dearman had never seen a tv [Annotator's Note: television] and kept reading about them. Another of his buddy and...
Robert G. Aldous and his crew were on Ie-Shima [Annotator's Note: Ie-Shima, Japan] at the time [Annotator's Note: of...
When William McCowen [Annotator's Note: a pilot in the Strategic Air Command of the US Air Force] came home from Korea...
Returning home from overseas, Alonzo Emerson remembers enjoying steak and fresh milk, two foods they didn't have while...
In 1942, Betty Soskin was a clerk in a segregated union hall in Richmond [Annotator's Note: Richmond, California]. She...
Calvin Blank was drafted into the Army [Annotator's Note: in 1945]. He was five foot six and weighed 118 pounds. When...
Thomas Joseph Lemme remained in recovery in the hospital until the end of the war [Annotator's Note: he had been...
The medics tagged Robert L. Williams with stating that he was suffering from combat exhaustion and he was brought to...
[Annotator's Note: Alan Moskin took part in the liberation of Gunskirchen Lager, a subcamp of the Mauthausen-Gusen...
John Ream gives his account of Huey Newton [Annotator’s Note: the Black Panther Party leader and founder]. The Panthers...
Alan Moskin thought we [Annotator's Note: the United States] had gotten rid of all of it [Annotator's Note: the hatred...
In 1956, the Hungarian Revolution [Annotator’s Note: 23 October to 10 November 1956] started. Eva Nathanson was told to...
Alfred Anthony Alvarez became a lawyer after the war. In Vietnam [Annotator's Note: Vietnam War, or Second Indochina...
The Hurtgen Forest [Annotator's Note: Battle of Hürtgen Forest, 19 September 1944 to 10 February 1945, Hürtgen (Hurtgen...
Anne Levy and her family were required to have good health in order to immigrate to the United States. Her mother and...
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer asks Lawson T. Winslow, Junior, an engineer working for Standard Oil Company (later...
The war changed George Peto. After the war he was reluctant to make close friends. The separation of servicemen during...
Ernest Jackson feels it is important for children to learn about World War 2. Each war is different. World War 2 was...
Robert Gurr and those at Disneyland were struggling to survive the opening months of Disneyland. When summer ended and...
Peter Somogyi learned of Simon Wiesenthal from his reputation as a postwar hunter of Nazi war criminals. He first heard...
Frederick Amore was transferred to Payne Field in Cairo, Egypt and, because there were too many mechanics there, he did...
When Herbert Stern and his unit were on the way down from the north of Germany, the rubble in Frankfurt, Germany was...
[Annotator's Note: The audio level of this interview is very low.] John Ryan worked for Shell Oil Company in Odessa,...
Alfred Dietrick took a patrol [Annotator's Note: of men from Company B, 1st Battalion, 141st Infantry Regiment, 36th...
Alfred Dearman says that in the book [Annotator's Note: Dearman is referring to a scrapbook he has, as well as to "...
The Japanese surrendered while George Hardy was on a ship returning home. He and his outfit landed shortly after that...
