Reaction to Pearl Harbor

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Gerard V. Radice grew up in the Chicago [Annotator's Note: Chicago, Illinois] area. His father was an immigrant from...
Douglas Harper said the raid lasted two hours, then, when things quieted down, a truck came by asking for volunteers to...
Hugh Wingo was stationed in Galveston [Annotator’s Note: Galveston, Texas] for three or four months. They got the news...
Jack Leaming joined the US Navy in December 1938 and was assigned to the USS Enterprise [Annotator's Note: USS...
Two weeks after the attack at Pearl Harbor [Annotator's Note: the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on 7 December...
Carrel Reavis was in the CCC Camp [Annotator's Note: Civilian Conservation Corps] as First Sergeant of his company in...
Herbert Gross recollects sending his sister off by train to the west coast when the bombing of Pearl Harbor was...
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer asks John McCarthy what he remembers about the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor,...
Robert Templet was on Ford Island in Pearl Harbor when the Japanese bombed Oahu in the Hawaiian Islands [Annotator's...
The Enterprise [Annotator's Note: USS Enterprise (CV-6)] was out at sea on 7 December [Annotator's Note: for the...
Lloyd Reese was asleep, and his father woke him to tell him about the attack on Pearl Harbor. He knew that we were in...
Barney Hajiro entered the Army and was immediately required to do manual labor around the Hawaiian Islands in...
Frank Maresca had just finished eating Sunday dinner and had turned on the radio to listen to a ball game. During the...
They [Annotator's Note: Vernon Tweedt's family] had a Philco radio. When he heard the news [Annotator's Note: of the...
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer asks Arthur Smith if he recalls where he was or what he was doing when the Japanese...
Stephen Ananian was a freshman at NYU [Annotator's Note: New York University in New York, New York] as aeronautical...
On the morning of 7 December [Annotator's Note: the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on 7 December 1941],...
By December 1941, William Winter was a sophomore at Ole Miss. He went to visit a friend in Cleveland, Mississippi, with...
Lawrence Yatsu was in the eleventh grade when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. It was one of the worst incidents in...
Warren J. Haslauer [Annotator's Note: with the 6th Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division] was sitting in the mess hall...
During World War 1, Archibald Rackerby's mother worked for the Navy as a clerk. Her father worked for the Government...
Bernice Williams was in Milwaukee [Annotator's Note: Milwaukee, Wisconsin] and heard about the attack [Annotator's Note...
Ernest Jackson was sitting in a movie theater watching a musical when the movie was stopped and it was announced that...
John Laborde was at home and sitting down to Sunday lunch when he heard of the attack on Pearl Harbor. He was in ROTC [...
Hersey Goodwin was in high school, and they talked current events in the mornings. They knew about it [Annotator's Note...
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer asks Sterling Baker if he recalls a wide variety of ships being hit. He does not]....
On 7 December 1941 [Annotator's Note: The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on 7 December 1941], John Edward...
Lydia Smith Grant was born in Bath, Maine. Her grandfather was a banker as was her father. Her stepfather was in the...
Emory Maurice Ornelles was born in Honolulu, Hawaii in September 1922. He lived in Waikiki two blocks from the beach...
On the morning of 7 December 1941, Richard Schlink was standing watch as the duty Pharmacist's Mate [Annotator's Note:...
Gene Alair did not find Navy life difficult. He really enjoyed it. After recieving his commission, he was assigned to...
Walter Knapps was a Marine Corps security guard on Ford Island Naval Air Station at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on the morning...
Louis Conter arrived onboard the USS Arizona (BB-39) in Pearl Harbor on 5 December 1941 following practice firing and...
Walter Bud Gafford was present on the morning of 7 December 1941 when the Japanese attacked [Annotator's Note: the...
Andrew George Jameson heard about the attack on Pearl Harbor [Annotator's Note: the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor,...
Edwin McAuliffe was in Covington [Annotators Note: Covington, Louisiana] visiting friends. The news came across the...
