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Charles Chatterton was born in Somerville, Massachusetts in November 1925. and grew up in the nearby town of Quincy. He...
The first night William Fili was in the prison camp [Annotator's Note: in Bucharest, Romania], the British came over...
[Annotator's Note: William Fili, his tail gunner, and radio operator were all captured and placed in a village jail...
[Annotator's Note: Clarence Becker went to India as a photo reconnaissance pilot.] India was damp and humid, but very...
When Herbert Stern and his unit were on the way down from the north of Germany, the rubble in Frankfurt, Germany was...
Robert Lewter was inducted in Georgia. From there he got on a train to Camp Polk, Louisiana [Annotator's Note: now Fort...
Vernon Schmidt [Annotator's Note: a replacement on his way to be assigned to a regiment] passed through the ruins of...
Jimmie Dyer went through infantry training at Camp Pendleton, California. When he landed at Guadalcanal, where the 6th...
F.M. Richard Simons had infantry training at Camp Wheeler, Georgia [Annotator's Note: in Macon, Georgia]. On the rifle...
Angelo Joseph Spinato went to Camp Maxey [Annotator's Note: in Lamar County, Texas] and all of the men had to stand in...
[Interviewer asks about the planning of the operation at Los Baños Internment Camp, Los Baños, Philippines] Henry...
On 3 February 1945, nine American planes flew over the camp very low and slow. Curtis Brooks told his brother he...
Wendell Galbraith landed in a yard that was like an apple orchard [Annotator's Note: after being shot down on 22 March...
Johnnie A. Jones, Senior's feels we have to learn how to avoid killing and war. We are advanced in civilization and are...
A month after the Battle of the Bulge, Robert Mayes' unit [Annotator's Note: 12th Field Artillery Observation Battalion...
Alfred Dietrick took a patrol [Annotator's Note: of men from Company B, 1st Battalion, 141st Infantry Regiment, 36th...
Alfred Dearman says that in the book [Annotator's Note: Dearman is referring to a scrapbook he has, as well as to "...
At times, it was rough for Rosemary Ramsey as an Italian in America. The worst was Lancaster, Pennsylvania. She and her...
In 1944, John Campbell came back from Karachi Annotator's Note: Karachi, Pakistan] with a load of British trucks to...
The Japanese surrendered while George Hardy was on a ship returning home. He and his outfit landed shortly after that...
Joseph Monteyne worked briefly in intelligence [Annotator's Note: after finishing his missions as a navigator in the...
The people from one of the camps [Annotator's Note: he is referring to concentration camps]. They looked like ghosts in...
Lionel Baxter and his unit [Annotator's Note: Battery A, 941st Field Artillery Battalion] went through the outskirts of...
Robert Jagers probably made 25 to 30 trips across the Channel [Annotator's Note: the English Channel aboard the USS LST...
In the 229th Ordnance Transport Company [Annotator's Note: Dietrick stated that he had served in this unit; unable to...
Lorraine Doroff [Annotator's Note: while serving in the Women's Army Corps or WAC; women's branch of the Army from 1942...
Shigemitsu [Annotator's Note: Mamoru Shigemitsu, Japanese diplomat and politician] and Alfred Dearman interacted quite...
Leanne Blinzler Noe attended classes with several other children where they learned Tagalog [Annotator's Note: an...
When the Japanese ceased the bombing [Annotator's Note: Fall of the Philippines, invasion by the Empire of Japan, 8...
Curtis Brooks and his family were told by a Japanese civilian to move to Santo Tomas [Annotator's Note: to the Santo...
[Annotator's Note: Susan Magnuson Devoe and her family were forced into the Santo Tomas Internment Camp or Manila...
Susan Magnuson Devoe says that people had to adapt to camp life [Annotator's Note: as internees at the Santo Tomas...
There was a nice beach [Annotator's Note: in a cove along the Batang Peninsula] where Angus Lorenzen and his fellow...
Guy Stern rarely interrogated civilians during the war. His partner, Kurt Jasen did interrogate some German businessmen...
Guy Stern's fellow interrogator and friend, Kurt Jasen, was nearby on Omaha Beach and called for Stern to come over and...
Many Jewish people in the Army spoke other languages, and sometimes the words would get mixed up. Yiddish [Annotator's...
