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John Caudle has had a lot of thoughts over the years. Especially when he came home out of the service and did not have...
Robert Lowe says war has its sadness. So many lost. It is always good to find some humor in a situation. That is what...
[Annotator's Note: Leslie B. Mason, Junior served in the Army as a guard at Sugamo Prison in Tokyo, Japan prior to the...
The Chinese would grab people on the streets and hand them over to the Americans if they were Japanese. George Colburn...
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer asks Joseph Geary what he and the men did on their downtime.] The best thing they...
Charles Struble [Annotator's Note: of the 421st Bombardment Squadron, 504th Bombardment Group, 20th Air Force]...
Carrel Reavis went from Virginia to basic training on a segregated train. When he went overseas, his ammunition company...
Carl Nygren went to training school at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. [Annotator’s Note: Nygren talks about going out with a...
Joseph Earl "Joe" Samrow [Annotator's Note: enlisted in the US Navy in 1944, trained as a torpedo bomber gunner and...
Henrietta Harkness [Annotator's Note: an Army nurse with the 24th Evacuation Hospital] was trained in Virginia for a...
Irene Bartley and her twin sister, Jean, joined the WACs [Annotator's Note: Women's Army Corps; women's branch of the...
The first treatment Carroll Harris received was heat lamps on his legs. However, his legs and feet began blistering, so...
Alexander White enlisted in the U.S. Army and was sent to Fort Sam Houston in Texas. There he met his wife, a native of...
George Wiswell was made a third-class diver in the Navy. Most repair jobs are figured out as they are done. He was in...
Cleatus Lebow believes that, although the contents of the crate they carried to was top secret, speculation among the...
[Annotator's Note: Snyder pauses the interview several times and repeats statements frequently in this segment.] On 10...
Windom Joseph Burton was aboard the Enterprise [Annotator's Note: USS Enterprise (CV-6)] when it was hit by enemy...
Frank George Memory was a crewman on a submarine [Annotator’s Note: USS Gato (SS-212)]. The boat was about 300 feet...
Gerald Rupert was scheduled to go to the Pacific prior the dropping of the atomic bombs [Annotator's Note: nuclear...
Everett Hyland was on the radio gang on the Memphis [Annotator's Note: USS Memphis (CL-13)]. They picked up 200...
James Newsom was assigned to the USS Sarsfield (DD-837) in New York. The Sarsfield was larger than his previous...
Arthur Spaulding and his outfit [Annotator's Note: in 2nd Platoon, Company B, 91st Chemical Mortar Battalion]...
Robert Riddle was at Okinawa when the atomic bombs were dropped. His crew, on hearing of the surrender, was a little...
In China, John Symons had one slit trench to take cover in in the event of a Japanese attack. One guy jumped in, hit...
Clyde Barber later completed two tours of duty in Vietnam [Annotator's Note: Vietnam War, or Second Indochina War, 1...
Marshall Burnett boarded a train at Grand Central Station [Annotator's Note: in New York, New York] bound for Meridian...
Harold DeForest was on Leyte on his way back to the 37th Infantry Division when the atomic bomb was dropped and the war...
When the United States dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Richard Ryan was at the naval air station on...
Towards the end of World War 2, John Carruth, serving in the Navy, was sent to Jacksonville [Annotator's Note:...
Jacklyn Lucas's wallet is on display at the D-Day Museum [Annotator's Note: The National WWII Museum in New Orleans,...
George E. Budlong was born in 1927 in Providence, Rhode Island. Budlong calls himself a child of the Depression [...
After rejoining his unit [Annotator's Note: 869th Bombardment Squadron, 497th Bombardment Group, 21st Bomber Command,...
Paul Sparacino [Annotator's Note: Sparacino served aboard the USS Princeton (LPH-5) during Operation Dominic, series of...
[Annotator’s Note: It is very difficult to hear the interviewer speak throughout this segment.] In late 1943, Milton...
During the Battle of Bulge [Annotator's Note: Battle of the Bulge or Ardennes Counteroffensive, 16 December 1944 to 25...
Paul Franklin went to work for an oil company after he graduated high school. While at the water house, Franklin...
