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US Army (1)
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Bombs being loaded into the hold of a ship in Concord, Louisiana on 23 June 1943.
Bombs being loaded into the hold of a ship. Official caption: "Draft of bombs being lowered into hold of USAT 'Hannay...
Troops watch as a serviceman demonstrates how supplies are loaded into a ship's cargo hold using a model of a crane and a ship, likely in New Orleans, Louisiana circa 1943-45
Troops watch as a serviceman demonstrates how supplies are loaded into a ship's cargo hold using a model of a crane and...
The USAT Sea Scamp, an Army transport ship in New Orleans, Louisiana on 5 January 1944
The USAT Sea Scamp, an Army transport ship. Official caption: "Seasacmp at Army Wharf, Berth #5, NOPE, 5 January 1944....
The pharmacy aboard a hospital ship in New Orleans, Louisiana on 25 August 1945-3 September 1945
The pharmacy aboard a hospital ship. Official caption: "W.O. #2432, Neg. #1815-66-45. 25 Aug.--3 Sep. 1945. 1. View...
A Liberty Ship docked at a port in New Orleans, Louisiana on 25 May 1945
A Liberty Ship docked at a port. Official caption: "W.O. #2171, Neg. #1596. 25 May 1945. 1. View showing Port side of...
Aerial view of a port in New Orleans, Louisiana circa 1943-45
Aerial view of a port. Official caption: "Official U.S. Army Photograph. New Orleans Port of Embarkation. Publication...
A dentist's chair and apparatus aboard a hospital ship in New Orleans, Louisiana circa 1945
A dentist's chair and apparatus aboard a hospital ship. Official caption: "View showing dental surgery aboard U.S.A.H.S...
A troop transport ship sails through the Panama Canal in the Canal Zone circa 1942-45
A troop transport ship sails through the Panama Canal. Official caption: "U.S.S. Republic Passing Through Panama Canal...
A view of a Liberty Ship at port in New Orleans, Louisiana on 4 July 1945
A view of a Liberty Ship at port. Official caption: "W.O. #2292, Neg. #1700. 4 July 1945. 1. View showing Freighter N.O...
An operating room aboard a hospital ship, likely in New Orleans, Louisiana circa 1943-45
An operating room aboard a hospital ship. Official caption: "View showing operating room, from aft, port corner, aboard...
An African-American company cleans a ditch in Harahan, Louisiana on 27 October 1944
An African-American company cleans a ditch. Official caption: "Restricted. W.O. #1580, Neg. #1129. 27 October 1944. 1....
A ship named after Willis Appleford Slater in New Orleans, Louisiana on 20 July 1944
A ship named after Willis Appleford Slater, an engineer who specialized in reinforced concrete. Official caption: "...
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