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Soldiers with jeep awaiting orders during training maneuvers at San Louis Obispo, California on 28 March 1944.
1016. Soldiers with jeep awaiting orders during training maneuvers. '3-28-44. Von Stroheim. While the 2nd Bn is moving...
Tech sergeant painting sign at Fort Benning, Georgia on 12 September 1944
1637. '12 Sept 44. Paik. T/5 George S. Rossi, sign painter at 4th HQ. Special Troops, 2nd Army, Fort Benning, Ga. 168-L...
81st Infantry Division soldiers taking hill during training exercises; also explosions from planes dropping bombs at San Luis Obispo, California on 14 March 1944.
861. 81st Infantry Division soldiers taking hill during training exercises; also explosions from planes dropping bombs...
US serviceman laying mines during amphibious training maneuvers at San Louis Obispo, California on 28 March 1944.
991. US serviceman laying mines during amphibious training maneuvers. '3-28-44. Cye. Sgt Everett Dunigan of 306th Engr...
Soldier demonstrating how to swim while bandaged at Fort Benning, Georgia on 14 July 1944
1513. '14 July 44. Bradlor. Picture shows how an injured man would swim if necessary with bandages etc. The method is...
WAC checks daily special orders at Fort Benning, Georgia on 12 July 1944
1450. '12 July 44. Bradlor. Pfc Mary Snickers checks daily spec. orders for whereabouts of men being transferred, at...
Interior scene of recreation hall; US servicemen about to view film as officer takes roll call from ping pong table at San Luis Obispo, California on 29 March 1944.
1033. Interior scene of recreation hall; US servicemen about to view film as officer takes roll call from ping pong...
Colonels at Fort Benning, Georgia on 12 September 1944
1655. '12 Sept 44. Bradlor. Col. P. I. LeSturgeon (L), Commanding Officer, 4th Inf and Co Paul Starlings, Commander...
81st Infantry Division servicemen marching throughout California landscape during training exercises at San Luis Obispo, California on 14 March 1944.
877. 81st Infantry Division servicemen marching throughout California landscape during training exercises. '3-14-44....
Sectional Aeronautical Chart of Birmingham and Atlanta Georgia and outlying areas, likely at Fort Benning Georgia in 1944
1569. '168-L-44-2122.' Men hold up sign: Sectional Aeronautical Chart of Birmingham and Atlanta Georgia and outlying...
Soldiers scaling a wall during training at Fort Benning, Georgia on 17 July 1944
1529. '17 July 44. Farrand. One of the many ways to get a man over a wall. Rifles are held by the two men on top of the...
Soldier demonstrates one of the steps in preparing an explosive charge at Fort Benning, Georgia on 12 July 1944
1466. '12 July 44. Hussey. After cap has been set in charge do not forget loops and hitches around the charge. Prime...
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