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US serviceman performing comedy during dinner at Camp San Luis Obispo, California on 8 March 1944
783. US serviceman performing comedy during dinner in mess hall. '3-8-44. Von Stroheim. Pfc Max Fink imitating pigs...
Field mess served near field kitchen truck during training maneuvers at Camp Cooke, California on 28 March 1944.
980. Field mess served near field kitchen truck during training maneuvers. 3-28-44. Zoff. Co A 710th tank Bn. mess near...
Cooking in mess hall in San Luis Obispo, California on 1 April 1944
1145. '4-1-44. Sharetts. Pfc. C.P. O'Andrea, Fairlawn N.J.[New Jersey], stirring at stove; Pvt.D. Emas, St. Louis, MO.[...
US servicemen coming ashore from landing craft, one holds his rifle wrapped in plastic on his shoulder, during amphibious training exercises at San Luis Obispo, California on 3 March 1944.
838. US servicemen coming ashore from landing craft, one holds his rifle wrapped in plastic on his shoulder, during...
Group portrait of motor pool mechanics at Camp San Luis Obispo, California on 7 March 1944
757. Group portrait of motor pool mechanics. '3-7-44. Mitchell. Group shot of 323rd Inf Motor Pool mechanics. Capt...
US soldier practicing to capture enemy prisoners of war, identified by netting and cloth tied around helmets, during amphibious training maneuvers at San Louis Obispo, California on 28 March 1944.
1011. US soldier practicing to capture enemy prisoners of war, identified by netting and cloth tied around helmets,...
Portrait of Colonel Kirke B. Lawtona at Camp San Luis Obispo, California on 8 March 1944
801. Portrait of Colonel Kirke B. Lawton. '3-8-44. Hussey. Col K B Lawton, Chief of the Army Pictorial Service,...
Group of soldiers standing on beach, waiting for instructions, during amphibious training maneuvers at San Louis Obispo, California on 27 March 1944.
997. Group of soldiers standing on beach, waiting for instructions, during amphibious training maneuvers. '3-27-44. Von...
Soldiers repairing a tank in San Luis Obispo, California on 30 March 1944
1161. '3-30-44. Sharetts. T/3 E. Kock, Little Falls, N.J.[New Jersey] T/3 W. Grisel, Merchantville, N.J.[New Jersey] on...
81st Infantry Division troops passing in review at San Luis Obispo, California on10 March 1944.
855. 81st Infantry Division troops passing in review. '3-10-44. Cye. 81st Division Rangers passing in review. 168-L-44-...
Foxhole training exercises near Camp San Luis Obispo, California on 7 March 1944
774. US servicemen inside foxholes; preparing to be rolled over by 105 mm Howitzer Motor Carriage / M7 Priest during...
US serviceman speaking on field radio crouched in grass, during training maneuvers at San Louis Obispo, California on 29 March 1944.
1028. US serviceman speaking on field radio crouched in grass, during training maneuvers. '3-29-44. Von Stroheim. Pfc...
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