European Theater of Operations (ETO)

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Billow did not give an interview for the trials in Europe. He has been interviewed several times since the war. He...
Dan Baker crossed the Rhine River at Worms over a pontoon bridge. They waited on the German side for two weeks before...
Lyle Bouck and Slape [Annotator's Note: US Army Sgt. William Slape] went back and got the platoon members who were to...
On the 3rd of January 1945 the 101st [Annotator's note: 101st Airborne Division] attacked through the Bois Jacques...
Clarene Anderson thought the P-39 was a cool airplane. With the engine mounted in the center of the plane there was...
When Loevsky opened the nose turret to free the bombardier, the bombardier attempted to put on his shoes; according to...
Around 8:15 or 8:20 [Annotator's Note: on the morning of 16 April 1945] the first 4 Japanese kamikaze planes heading...
Theodore Finkbeiner went on a patrol to snatch a prisoner one night and came to a bridge that had been blown out. They...
Clinton Gardner had been in Bastogne a week before it was captured because his outfit was helping with the Red Ball...
A typical mission for John Luckadoo started by him being woken up between three and half past three in the morning,...
Leahr got quite a bit of mail from home. Mail was important to him. He had three brothers in the service. One brother...
Wojiy was very paranoid and took the civilians back to the lieutenant [Annotator's Note: during fighting in the Alsace-...
[Annotators Note: Henry Phillips served in Company M, 3rd Battalion, 47th Infantry Regiment, 9th Infantry Division.] By...
Kalil mentions moving into the positions previously occupied by the 2nd Infantry Division at Lanzareth, Belgium. Kalil...
Robert Shoens knew that the planes coming towards him were not the much hoped for escort. In the briefing room after...
[Annotators Note: Lou Brissie served in the army as an infantryman in Company G, 2nd Battalion, 351st Infantry Regiment...
Richard Ford was at the assault training center near Bristol for a few months. There was a boys' school near them....
Onesi remembers the first prisoner of war (POW) camp he was in. It was an older camp that the Germans added barracks to...
[Annotators Note: Robert Murphy served in the army as a paratrooper in Company A, 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment,...
One day they attacked the city of Leipzig [Annotator's Note: Germany]. It was industrial, like Birmingham, Pittsburgh,...
When Richard Duchossois and his unit got up into the Bulge [Annotators Note: the Battle of the Bulge] it was very cold...
Rankin had made "Ace in a Day." [Annotator's Note: a term used to describe a fighter pilot scoring five or more...
The Gothic Line goes all the way across Italy. The area where Mancel Kirk and his Company G, 168th Infantry Regiment...
Paluch has pictures of the Malmedy Memorial. He does not think about the massacre that much anymore. He has other...
After going past the site of the Malmedy Massacre, they kept going and their next major battle was in a town called...
Barney Old Coyote’s unit received Presidential Unit Citations for the job they did in bombing bases in the...
Jackson describes what he experienced at Dachau.They knew it was there. They were called in to clear the bodies. But...
The scout that noticed the machine gun nests hidden in the changed leaves was able to go back to Bell and relay what he...
They moved on and Schmedemann ended the war in Pilsen, Czechoslovakia with the Fifth Corps. Pilsen was undamaged so...
Michael Doi does not recall hearing about the death of President Roosevelt. Doi made a lot of Caucasian friends on the...
The intelligence was good for the southern France operation. The intelligence officers claimed to know the rank and...
Robert Christie notes that the armored tank units worked with the armored infantry. One of the residents at Christie's...
Freddie Ohr flew in a P-64 and a P-35. He cannot find the P-64 in modern books about fighters. Both were forerunners to...
Steve Pisanos scored his first victory on 21 May [Annotators Note: 21 May 1943]. They had taken bombers to Frankfurt,...
[Annotators Note: Joseph Diamond served in the army as a combat medic with the 413th Infantry Regiment, 104th Infantry...
Woods was a wiper in the engine room. There were 15 wipers aboard large ships. The wipers reported to the 1st Mate....
