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Members of the 473rd Infantry Regiment enter Massa, Italy on 10 April 1945
384.Photograph. Members of the shortly lived 473rd Infantry Regiment enter Massa, Italy. '10 April 45. 5/MM-45-6251....
American jeeps being towed through Italian streets because of heavy rains on 2 November 1944
459.Photograph. ' 2 Nov. 44. 5/MM-44-6347. Fifth Army, Borgo San Lorenzo, Italy. Many vehicles are being towed through...
A Naples street scene in Italy in 1944 or 1945
Slide. Italian civilians and horse-drawn wagons and carriages in Naples street scene. "Naples street." From box...
US and British trucks on fire in the city streets of Nettuno, Italy, 1944
Photograph. Smoke billows from US and British trucks on fire in an empty city street. Official caption on front: "MM-5-...
Main street of Castel del Rio, Italy on 29 October 1944
464.Photograph. '29 Oct. 44. 5/MM-44-6385. Fifth Army, Castel del Rio, Italy. This town had about 4,000 inhabitants...
G.I. in American jeep parked out from of Italian café in Como, Italy in 1944 or 1945
Slide. G.I. in American jeep parked out from of Italian café. Sidewalk café, Lake Como. From box originally labeled...
US soldier receives a shave in a bombed street, San Vittore, Italy, 1944
Photograph. US soldier receives a shave in a bombed street. Official caption on front: "MM-5-152377." Official caption...
Capt. Weiss in Italy in 1944-45
Captain Thomas E. Weiss walking through an unknown Italian street. "'T.' Sis had this one."'Italy. 1944-45
Ruins of the town of Cassino in Italy in 1944 or 1945
Slide. Ruins of the town of Cassino. "Streets of Cassino." From box originally labeled "No. [Northern] Italy - Cassino...
US tanks and vehicles roll down the city streets in Formia, Italy, 1944
Photograph. US tanks and vehicles roll down the city streets. Official caption on front: "MM-5-44-5395." Official...
Photographers on the streets of Naples, Italy during World War II
Several "photographers" on the streets of "Naples, Italy", 194-.
Italian civilians walking and biking through a bomb-damaged city, Italy, 1945
Slide. Italian citizens walking and biking down a street surrounded by rubble and bomb-damaged city. Italy. 1945
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